The objective of this study was to implement an ergonomics program (PROERGO) in an alcoholic drinks company in the northeast region of Brazil. An ergonomics program is understood, in this context, as an action plan defi ned for the company and involves

solving ergonomically related problems, training facilitators in this area of knowledge, and defi ning strategic guidelines which may contribute to identifying, analyzing, preventing, and controlling risks in the company (Hendrick and Kleiner, 2001; Vidal, 2002; Silveira, 2004). Wilson and Haines (2006) have defi ned participatory ergonomics as “the involvement of people in planning and controlling a signifi cant amount of their own work activities, with suffi cient knowledge and power to infl uence both processes and outcomes in order to achieve desirable goals.” Wilson et al. (2005) state that the benefi ts from the use of participatory approaches may include improved industrial relationships, opportunities for personal development among those involved and a spread of interest and expertise in ergonomics. According to Spielholz and Carcamo (2006), the benefi ts of a successful ergonomics program may include not only reduced injuries and worker compensation costs, but also reduced absenteeism, as well as increased morale, productivity, and product quality.