Haber’s syndrome – intertriginous pigmentation Hereditary mucoepithelial dysplasia – psoriasiform intertrigo Hyper-IgE syndrome (Job’s syndrome) (Buckley’s syndrome) – papular, pustular, excoriated dermatitis of scalp, buttocks, neck, axillae, groin; furunculosis; growth failure; dermatitis of face, behind ears, scalp, axillae, and groin; recurrent bacterial infections of skin with cold abscesses, contact urticaria, infections of nasal sinuses and respiratory tract J Pediatr 141:572-575, 2002; NEJM 340:692-702, 1999; Curr Prob Derm 10:41-92, 1998; Clin Exp Dermatol 11:403-408, 1986; Medicine 62:195-208, 1983; Lancet 1:1013-1015, 1966 Hyper-IgM syndrome – diaper area ulcers Ped Derm 18:48-50, 2001 Incontinentia pigmenti – hyperpigmentation of axillae and groin JAAD 47:169-187, 2002 Kawasaki’s disease Keratosis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome – exaggerated diaper dermatitis Ped Derm 13:105-113, 1996; BJD 122:689-697, 1990 Lipoid proteinosis Ghatan p.52, 2002, Second Edition Netherton’s syndrome – intertrigenous and perigenital dermatitis, edema, papillomatosis resembling cellulitis BJD 131:615-621, 1994; JAAD 13:329-337, 1985 Neurofibromatosis type I – Crowe’s sign – intertriginous pigmentation Olmsted syndrome – follicular hyperkeratosis of buttocks and knees; follicular papules; intertrigo, mutilating palmoplantar keratoderma, linear streaky hyperkeratosis, leukokeratosis of the tongue, sparse hair anteriorly JAAD 53:S266-272, 2005; Ped Derm 21:603-605, 2004; Ped Derm 20:323-326, 2003; Eur J Derm 13:524-528, 2003; BJD 136:935-938, 1997; AD 132:797-800, 1996; AD 131:738-739, 1995; Semin Derm 14:145-151, 1995; JAAD 10:600-610, 1984; Am J Dis Child 33:757-764, 1927 Pseudoxanthoma elasticum – linear and reticulated yellow papules and plaques JAAD 42:324-328, 2000; Dermatology 199:3-7, 1999; AD 124:1559, 1988 Sjögren-Larsson syndrome – ichthyosis, mental retardation, spastic diplegia, short stature, kyphoscoliosis, retinal changes, yellow pigmentation, intertrigo (flexural accentuation), deficiency of fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase Ped Derm 20:179-180, 2003; JAAD 35:678-684, 1996 Sweet’s syndrome Xeroderma pigmentosum – intertriginous pigmentation

Arsenic poisoning – acute; baboon syndrome (anogenital intertrigo) with intertriginous exanthem BJD 149:757-762, 2003 Methylbromide fumigation – bullae and urticaria AD 127:917-921, 1991

Child abuse Friction and bacterial infection Runner’s rump (intertriginous hyperpigmentation) JAAD 21:1257-1262, 1989

Scleroderma – periorbital linear scleroderma associated with heterochromic iridis Am J Ophthalmol 90:858-861, 1980

Leprosy – leproma Syphilis – papulat of secondary or tertiary lues

Juvenile xanthogranuloma – iris heterochromia Eye and Skin Disease, pp.56-57, Lippincott, 1996

Sarcoidal iris granuloma Clin Dermatol 4:129-135, 1986

Aniridia with associated Wilms’ tumor Benign epithelial melanosis Conjunctival nevus Iris freckles Leiomyoma Rook p.3007, 1998, Sixth Edition Melanocytic nevus Melanoma AD 139:1067-1073, 2003 Melanosis oculi Metastatic melanoma Iris nevus Nevus of Ota Dermatol Clin 10:609-622, 1992 Pigmented episcleral spot (Axenfeld’s nerve loop) Primary acquired melanosis

Aniridia with chromosome 18 defects Cat eye syndrome – iris coloboma with trisomy 22 Down’s syndrome – hypoplastic iris with lighter areas in the outer third (Brushfield spots) Rook p.373, 1998, Sixth Edition Incontinentia pigmenti – conjunctival pigmentation JAAD 47:169-187, 2002 Iris coloboma

4p deletion syndromes Cat eye syndrome Chromosome 18 defects (including trisomy 18) Focal dermal hypoplasia Linear nevus sebaceus syndrome Trisomy 22

Iris nevus syndrome (Cogan-Reese syndrome) Nail-patella syndrome – cloverleaf iris (Lester iris) Rook p.421, 1998, Sixth Edition Neurofibromatosis – Lisch nodule NEJM 343:1573, 2000; Rook p.379, 1998, Sixth Edition; NEJM 324:1264-1266, 1991; J Med Genet 26:712-721, 1989; Am J Ophthalmol 96:740-742, 1983

Romberg’s syndrome – heterochromic iridis Am J Ophthalmol 90:858-861, 1980 Tuberous sclerosis – hypopigmented spots of the iris Ophthalmology 89:1155-1159, 1982 Ziprkowski-Margolis syndrome – X-linked recessive, deaf-mutism, heterochromic irides, piebald-like hypomelanosis JAAD 48:466-468, 2003


Acroangiodermatitis (pseudo-Kaposi’s sarcoma) – associated with arteriovenous (AV) malformation (congenital dysplastic angiopathy) AD 111:1656, 1975; AD 110:907, 1974; AD 100:297, 1969; associated with chronic venous insufficiency AD 92:515, 1965; AD 96:176, 1967 Angiokeratoma Annals Int Med 96:6693, 1982 Blue rubber bleb Glomus Hemangioma Cutis 7:401, 1971 Lymphangioma Bluefarb Papular angioplasia Arch Derm vol 79:17-31, 1959 Pyogenic granuloma Cutis 7:401, 1971 Reactive angioendotheliomatosis Arch Derm Vol 114:1512, 1978


Angiosarcomas in lymphedema Cutis 7:401, 1971; Arch Derm 111:86, 1975 Hemangiopericytoma Arch Derm 116:806, 1980 Malignant angioendotheliomatosis Arch Derm 104:320, 1971; Arch Derm 84:22, 1961

Basal cell carcinoma, pigmented Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma Fibrosarcoma/spindle cell sarcoma Leukemia Cutis 21:814, 1978 Lymphoma Cutis 21:814, 1978 Melanoma – primary and metastic Metastic, including hypernephroma Diff. Dx. in Derm. Korting

Bacillary angiomatosis Ann Intern Med 109:449, 1988; JAMA 260:524, 1988 Buruli Ulcer Mycetoma (Madura foot) Leprosy Mycobacterium tuberculosis Syphilis, secondary

Atrophie blanche JAAD 6:463, 1983 Coumadin – purple toe syndrome Cutis 6:639, 1971 Cryoproteinemia JAAD 27:969, 1992 Dermatofibroma Cutis 7:401, 1971 Ecchymoses Ann Intern Med 96:693, 1982 Insect bites, necrotic Ann Intern Med 96:693, 1992 Lichen planus, hypertrophic Arch Derm Syph 33:913, 1936; Arch Derm Syph 49:295, 1944 Pigmented purpuric eruptions – including Gougerot-Blum pigmented purpuric eruption Cutis 31:406, 1983 Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation Ann Intern Med 96693, 1982 Rosacea Arch Derm Syph 8:143, 1923 Sarcoid

KINKY HAIR Ped Derm 21:265-268, 2004 Acquired progressive kinking of the hair Bjornstad syndrome Congenital pili torti syndrome Etretinate Clin Exp Dermatol 10:426-431, 1985 Hereditary (familial) woolly hair syndrome Ionizing radiation BJD 113:467-473, 1985 Isotretinoin Clin Exp Dermatol 15:143-145, 1990 Menkes’ kinky hair syndrome Pseudomonilethrix Trauma Uncombable hair syndrome Whisker hair – kinking of hair over periauricular areas of scalp which evolves into extensive baldness Woolly hair nevus

Dermatomyositis Curr Opin Rheum 11:475-482, 1999 Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita Lupus erythematosus with cutaneous mucinosis Mixed connective tissue disease Rheumatoid arthritis – rheumatoid nodules; rheumatoid neutrophilic dermatitis – nodules over joints AD 133:757-760, 1997; AD 125:1105-1108, 1989; Bouchard’s nodes of rheumatoid arthritis Scleroderma – knuckle hyperkeratosis in systemic scleroderma

Heberden’s nodes of knuckles – degenerative joint disease JAAD 43:892, 2000

Acral dysesthesia syndrome Bleomycin-induced dermatomyositis-like rash JAAD 48:439-441, 2003 Tegafur – knuckle pad-like keratoderma Int J Dermatol 37:315-317, 1998

Barber’s sinus Foreign body reactions

Leishmaniasis – dermonodular leishmaniasis Clin Inf Dis 22:376-377, 1996 Leprosy – primary neuritic leprosy with nerve abscess AD 130;243-248, 1994; lepromatous – digital papule JAAD 11:713-723, 1984 Lobomycosis Mycobacterium marinum – nodule or papule of hands, elbows, knees becomes crusted ulcer or abscess; or verrucous papule; sporotrichoid; rarely widespread lesions Br Med J 300:1069-1070, 1990; AD 122:698-703, 1986; J Hyg 94:135-149, 1985 Parvovirus B19 – dermatomyositis-like Gottron’s papules Hum Pathol 31:488-497, 2000 Verruca vulgaris – knuckle pads Derm Surg 27:591-593, 2001

Acral persistent papular mucinosis – mimicking knuckle pads AD 140:121-126, 2004; JAAD 27:1026-1029, 1992 Focal mucinosis Lichen myxedematosis – resembling acral persistent papular mucinosis BJD 144:594-596, 2001; Dermatology 185:81, 1992 Mastocytoma Caputo p.100, 2000; knuckle pads Self-healing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis – knuckle nodules JAAD 50:S97-100, 2004; Ped Derm 20:35-39, 2003; JAAD 31:815-816, 1994; JAAD 11:327-332, 1984


Acromegaly Calcinosis cutis Diabetic finger pebbling (Huntley’s papules) Cutis 69:298-300, 2002 Gout – tophi Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 120:482-483, 2000 Porphyria – erythropoietic protoporphyria Thyroid acropachy Xanthomas – tuberous or tendinous xanthomas

Enchondromas Epidermoid cyst

Fibroma of the tendon sheath Cutis 59:133, 1997 Ganglion cyst Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath – nodules of the fingers Cutis 59:133, 1997; J Dermatol 23:290-292, 1996; overlying dorsal digital interphalangeal crease J Hand Surg 5:39-50, 1980 Keloids Melanocytic nevus Rook p.1722-1723, 1998, Sixth Edition Mobile encapsulated lipomas Cutis 49:63-64, 1992 Myxoid cyst, digital JAAD 43:892, 2000; Rook p.2849, 1998, Sixth Edition Poroid hidradenoma Cutis 50:42-46, 1992 Progressive nodular fibrosis of the skin


Degenerative collagenous plaques of the hands

Acanthosis nigricans Acrokeratoelastoidosis of Costa – knuckle pads AD 140:479-484, 2004; Ped Derm 19:320-322, 2002; JAAD 22:468-476, 1990; Acta DV 60:149-153, 1980; Dermatologica 107:164-168, 1953 Acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf Dupuytren’s disease – dorsal variant Ann Chir Main 7:247-250, 1988 (Fr) Dyshidrosis with id reaction Epidermolysis bullosa, dominant dystrophic Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis associated with palmoplantar keratoderma BJD 125:496, 1991 Erythema elevatum diutinum – knuckle pads, papules JAAD 49:764-767, 2003; Cutis 67:381-384, 2001; Ped Derm 15:411-412, 1998 Granuloma annulare JAAD 3:217-230, 1980; subcutaneous granuloma annulare mimicking knuckle pads; perforating granuloma annulare Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia Juvenile fibromatosis Knuckle pads – idiopathic (fibromatosis), keratotic knuckle pads unassociated with palmoplantar keratoderma Rook p.1555-1556, 1998, Sixth Edition; trauma-induced, associated with Dupuytren’s contracture, Ledderhose’s disease, Peyronie’s disease, Bart-Pumphrey syndrome – sensorineural deafness, leukonychia, and knuckle pads; autosomal dominant Ped Derm 17:450-452, 2000; Cutis 57:241-242, 1996 Lichen nitidus – knuckle pads AD 134:1302-1303, 1998 Lichen planus Lichen simplex chronicus Necrolytic acral erythema – serpiginous, verrucous plaques of dorsal aspects of hands, legs; associated with hepatitis C infection JAAD 50:S121-124, 2004 Neurofibromatosis Pachydermodactyly – benign fibromatosis of fingers of young men AD 111:524, 1975 Palmoplantar keratoderma, epidermolytic (Vorner) – papules on knuckles BJD 125:496, 1991 Prurigo nodularis Psoriasis

Bulimia nervosa – Russell’s sign (crusted knuckle nodules) Clin Orthop 343:107-109, 1997; JAAD 12:725-726, 1985; perniosis Clin Sci 61:559-567, 1981; pseudo knuckle pads (calluses on 2nd 5th MCP joints) Psychol Med 9;429-48, 1979 Pachydermodactyly due to obsessive compulsive behavior JAAD 38:359-362, 1998; AD 130:387, 1994

Bart-Pumphrey syndrome – knuckle pads, leukonychia, sensorineural deafness, and diffuse palmoplantar hyperkeratosis; autosomal dominant JAAD 53:S225-230, 2005; JAAD 51:292, 2004; Curr Prob Derm 14:71-116, 2002; NEJM 276:202-207, 1967 Dyskeratosis congenita Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (molluscum pseudotumor) – knuckle pads Familial histiocytic dermatoarthritis – knuckle pads Farber’s disease (disseminated lipogranulomatosis) – red papules and nodules of joints and tendons of hands and feet; deforming arthritis; papules, plaques, and nodules of ears, back of scalp and trunk Rook p.2642, 1998, Sixth Edition; Am J Dis Child 84:449-500, 1952 Fibroblastic rheumatism – symmetrical polyarthritis, nodules over joints and on palms, elbows, knees, ears, neck, Raynaud’s phenomenon, sclerodactyly; skin lesions resolve spontaneously AD 139:657-662, 2003; Ped Derm 19:532-535, 2002; AD 131:710-712, 1995; Clin Exp Dermatol 19:268-270, 1994; JAAD 14:1086-1088, 1986; Rev Rheum Ed Fr 47:345-351, 1980 François syndrome (dermochondrocorneal dystrophy) – knuckle pads; nodules on hands, nose, and ears Ann DV 104:475-478, 1977; AD 124:424-428, 1988 Greither’s palmoplantar keratoderma – knuckle pads, hyperkeratosis of elbows, knees, shins JAAD 53:S225-230, 2005 Hunter syndrome – MPS II Ped Derm 12:370-372, 1995 Infantile digital fibromatosis Infantile systemic hyalinosis – autosomal recessive; synophrys, thickened skin, perianal nodules, dusky red plaques of buttocks, gingival hypertrophy, joint contractures, juxta-articular nodules (knuckle pads), osteopenia, growth failure, diarrhea, frequent infections, facial red papules JAAD 50:S61-64, 2004; Ped Derm 11:52-60, 1994 Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis – pearly white papules of face and neck; larger papules and nodules around nose, behind ears, on fingertips, knuckle pads; multiple subcutaneous nodules of scalp, trunk, and extremities, papillomatous perianal papules; joint contractures, skeletal lesions, gingival hyperplasia, stunted growth Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.444-445, 2001; Caputo p.54, 2000; AD 121:1062-1063, 1985; AD 107:574-579, 1973 Keratosis-ichthyosis-deafness (KID) syndrome – partial leukonychia, deafness JAAD 53:S225-230, 2005 Knuckle pads, leukonychia, and deafness syndrome Ghatan p.159, 2002, Second Edition Knuckle pads with palmoplantar keratoderma and acrokeratoelastoidosis Ledderhose’s nodules (plantar fibromatosis) JAAD 41:106-108, 1999; Dupuytren’s contracture (palmar fibromatosis) and/or Peyronie’s disease – knuckle pads Lipoid proteinosis – acral papules BJD 151:413-423, 2004; JID 120:345-350, 2003; BJD 148:180-182, 2003; Hum Molec Genet 11:833-840, 2002

Mal de Meleda (recessive transgressive palmoplantar keratoderma) – knuckle pads Curr Prob Derm 14:71-116, 2002; Ped Derm 14:186-191, 1997 Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis – digital papule; knuckle pads yellow papules and plaques AD 140:919-921, 2004; Rook p.2325-2326, 1998, Sixth Edition; AD 126:251-252, 1990; Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 65:721-725, 1988; Pathology 17:601-608, 1985; JAAD 11:713-723, 1984; AD 97:543-547, 1968 Neurofibromatosis Pachydermoperiostosis – knuckle pads J Dermatol 27:106-109, 2000 Polyfibromatosis syndrome – Dupuytren’s contracture, knuckle pads, Peyronie’s disease, keloids, or plantar fibromatosis Rook p.2044, 1998, Sixth Edition; stimulation by phenytoin BJD 100:335-341, 1979 Reflex sympathetic dystrophy with chilblain-like lesions – digital papule Rowell’s syndrome – lupus erythematosus and erythema multiforme-like syndrome – perniotic lesions JAAD 21:374-377, 1989 Stiff skin syndrome – knuckle pads Ped Derm 3:48-53, 1985 Vohwinkel’s syndrome – knuckle papules, palmoplantar keratoderma, ichthyosis, pseudoainhum JAAD 44:376-378, 2001

Barber’s hair sinus Callosities, occupational (carpenters, live chicken hangers Contact Derm 17:13-16, 1987 ), frictional, bulemic Chilblains (perniosis) – tender, pruritic red or purple digital papules JAAD 45:924-929, 2001; Rook p.960-961, 1998, Sixth Edition Garrod’s pads – violinist’s knuckles (2nd and 3rd knuckles) – thickened skin over the interphalangeal joints from intense flexion of tendons of fingers Cutis 62:261-262, 1998 Scars – mimic knuckle pads Skier’s thumb Acta Orthop Belg 65:440-446, 1999 Surfer’s nodules of anterior tibial prominence, dorsum of feet, knuckles Cutis 50:131-135, 1992

Glomus tumors Vascular hamartomas Vasculitis

Dermatomyositis Rheumatoid arthritis – velvet skin

Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (peripheral atrophy) JAAD 28:399-405, 1993 Leprosy

Lichen myxedematosis Persistent acral mucinosis

Diabetic finger pebbling (Huntley’s papules) Cutis 69:298-300, 2002 Erythropoietic protoporphyria Intertriginous xanthomas in fingerweb spaces of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia JAAD 19:95-111, 1988

Infantile digital fibromatosis Solitary mastocytomas-Scotch grain leather appearance

Acanthosis nigricans Acral localized acquired cutis laxa (wrinkled knuckles) JAAD 21:33-40, 1989 Acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf Epidermolysis bullosa – resolving dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa Erythema elevatum diutinum Granuloma annulare Knuckle pads Cutis 57:241-242, 1996 Lichen nitidus Lichen simplex chronicus Pachydermodactyly Pseudo-acanthosis nigricans Pseudo-PCT

Dyskeratosis congenita Lipoid proteinosis Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis Neurofibromatosis

Garrod’s pads – violinist’s knuckles-thickened skin over the interphalangeal joints from intense flexion of tendons of fingers Occupational callosities – carpenters, live chicken hangers Contact Derm 17:13-16, 1987

Amyloidosis Radiol Clin North Am 37:219-239, 1999


Myoepithelioma Ophthalmol Clin North Am 13:663-681, 2000 Pleomorphic adenoma Radiol Clin North Am 37:219-239, 1999


Ophthalmol Clin North Am 13:663-681, 2000 Adenocystic carcinoma Lymphoma Radiol Clin North Am 37:219-239, 1999 Leukemia Radiol Clin North Am 37:219-239, 1999

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia Granulocytic leukemia

Mucoepidermoid carcinoma Pleomorphic adenocarcinoma Primary adenocarcinoma

Chronic inflammation Dacryoadenitis

Bacterial Ann Ophthalmol 14:600, 1982 Fungal Ann Ophthalmol 14:600, 1982 Parasitic J Pediatr Ophthalmol 19:100, 1982 Viral

Herpes simplex Arch Ophthalmol 56:739, 1961 Mumps Arch Ophthalmol 56:739, 1961

Dermoid cyst Radiol Clin North Am 25:767, 1987 Idiopathic inflammatory pseudotumor Ophthalmol 103:1233, 1996 Kimura’s disease Ophthalmol 100:1856-1860, 2000 Lymphoid hyperplasia, benign Radiol Clin North Am 37:219-239, 1999 Sarcoidosis Ophthalmol 90:909, 1983

Lymphoid hyperplasia, benign Radiol Clin North Am 37:219-239, 1999 Lymphoma Radiol Clin North Am 37:219-239, 1999 Sarcoidosis Ophthalmol 90:909, 1983 Sjögren’s syndrome Radiol Clin North Am 37:151-168, 1999 Wegener’s granulomatosis Br J Ophthalmol 76:401, 1992

Addison’s disease – increase in number and darkening Rook p.1719, 1998, Sixth Edition Cushing’s syndrome – increase in number and darkening Rook p.1719, 1998, Sixth Edition Pregnancy – increase in number and darkening Rook p.1719, 1998, Sixth Edition

Achromic nevi – lentigines within segmental achromic nevi JAAD 39:330-333, 1998 Agminated lentiginosis Ped Derm 11:241-245, 1994; café au lait macules, mental retardation, epilepsy, pes cavus JAAD 40:877-890, 1999 Benign labial lentigo Rook p.1720-1721, 1998, Sixth Edition; BJD 136:772-775, 1997; AD 123:1029-1031, 1987 Eruptive lentiginosis – young adults, generalized distribution Bolognia p.1763, 2003; eruptive lentigines subsequently evolving into melanocytic nevi BJD 72:302-311, 1960; Ann Dermatol Syphilol 83:125-129, 1956

spot lentigo (reticulated black solar lentigo) AD 128:934-940, 1992 Nevus spilus Penile lentigo JAAD 22:453-460, 1990 Vulvar lentigo Dermatol Clin 10:361-370, 1992; JAAD 22:453-460, 1990 Zosteriform lentiginous nevus Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.383, 2001

PUVA-induced Clin Exp Dermatol 25:135-137, 2000; Cutis 41:199-202, 1988; JID 81:459-463, 1983 Solar lentigines JAAD 36:444-447, 1997 Tanning bed lentigines JAAD 23:1029-1031, 1990; JAAD 21:689-693, 1989

Epidermolysis bullosa – generalized atrophic benign EB (GABEB) (mitis) – non-lethal junctional – generalized blistering beginning in infancy; nevi or acquired macular pigmented lesions with irregular borders AD 122:704-710, 1986 Generalized lentiginosis Ped Derm 21:139-145, 2004; Rook p.1768, 1998, Sixth Edition Lentiginosis Lentiginosis perigenitoaxillaris Bolognia p.1763, 2003 Oral and pedal lentiginosis Psoriasis – lentigines confined to resolving psoriatic plaque Clin Exp Dermatol 19:380-382, 1994 Segmental lentiginosis (partial unilateral lentiginosis) (unilateral lentiginosis) JAAD 44:387-390, 2001; Clin Exp Dermatol 20:141-142, 1995; JAAD 29:693-695, 1993

Acquired sporadic generalized lentiginosis Eur J Dermatol 8:183-185, 1998 ANOTHER syndrome – alopecia, nail dystrophy, ophthalmic complications, thyroid dysfunction, hypohidrosis, ephelides and enteropathy, respiratory tract infections Clin Genet 35:237-242, 1989; J Pediatr 108:109-111, 1986 Bandler syndrome – autosomal dominant, Peutz-Jegher-like lentigines; gastrointestinal bleeding with hemangiomas of small intestine Bolognia p.982, 2003 Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome (macrocephaly and subcutaneous hamartomas) (lipomas and hemangiomas) – autosomal dominant pigmented macules of penis JAAD 53:639-643, 2005; AD 132:1214-1218, 1996; AD 128:1378-1386, 1992; Eur J Ped 148:122-125, 1988; lipoangiomas (perigenital pigmented macules, macrocephaly) AD 128:1378-1386, 1992; lipomas in Ruvalcaba-Myhre-Smith syndrome Ped Derm 5:28-32, 1988; Ruvalcaba-Myhre-Smith syndrome – pigmented penile macules, lipomas, angiolipomas, macrocephaly, pseudopapilledema, hamartomas, lipid-storage myopathy AD 132:1214-1218, 1996; Curr Prob Derm VII:143-198, 1995; Pediatrics, 81:287-290, 1988 Cantu syndrome – autosomal dominant, lentigines on palms and soles, and sun-exposed skin, palmoplantar hyperkeratotic papules Curr Prob Derm VII:143-198, 1995

Carney complex (NAME/LAMB syndrome) – autosomal dominant, multiple lentigines, melanocytic nevi, blue nevi, cutaneous myxomas, psammomatous schwannoma, cardiac myxomas, testicular Sertoli cell tumors, gynecomastia, myxoid breast fibroadenomas, pituitary adenomas, thyroid disease, adreno-cortical disease Molec Genet Metab 78:83, 2003; Clin Endocrinol 86:4041, 2001; Curr Prob Derm VII:143-198, 1995; Medicine 64:270, 1985; conjunctival lentigines JAAD 42:145, 2000; epithelioid blue nevus and psammomatous melanotic schwannoma Semin Diagn Pathol 15:216-224, 1998; J Clin Invest 97:699-705, 1996; Dermatol Clin 13:19-25, 1995; JAAD 10:72-82, 1984 Centrofacial lentiginosis – synophrys, high arched palate, sacral hypertrichosis, spina bifida, scoliosis Rook p.1719, 1998, Sixth Edition; BJD 94:39-43, 1976 Cowden’s disease – periorificial and acral pigmented macules Bolognia p.982, 2003 Cronkhite-Canada syndrome – lentigo-like macules of face, extremities, and diffuse pigmentation of palms; gastrointestinal polyposis, malabsorption, alopecia, dystrophic nails AD 135:212, 1999 Deafness Bolognia p.982, 2003 FACES syndrome (unique facies, anorexia, cachexia, eye, skin lesions) J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol 4:227-231, 1984 Fanconi’s anemia – freckle-like hyperpigmentation in sun-exposed areas, abdomen, flexures, and genitals Dermatol Clin 13:41-49, 1995 Gardner’s syndrome – lentigines of head and extremities JAAD 45:940-942, 2001 Gastro-cutaneous syndrome – peptic ulcer/hiatal hernia, multiple lentigines, café-au-lait macules, hypertelorism, myopia Am J Med Genet 11:161-176, 1982 Gaucher’s disease – diffuse hyperpigmentation, easy tanning, pigmented macules BJD 111:331-334, 1984 Halal syndrome – autosomal dominant; multiple lentigines, café-au-lait macules, hypertelorism, myopia, hiatal hernia/peptic ulcer Am J Med Genet 11:161-176, 1982 Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome – multiple lentigines and ephelides Inherited patterned lentiginosis in blacks – lentigines on face and lips, buttocks and extremities AD 125:1231-1235, 1989 Laugier-Hunziker syndrome – macular pigmentation of lips and buccal mucosa, melanonychia, genital macules JAAD 50:S70-74, 2004; J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 15:574-577, 2001; Hautarzt 42:512-515, 1991; Clin Exp Derm 15:111-114, 1990; Arch Belges Dermatol Syph 26:391-399, 1970 Lentiginosis with arterial dissection syndrome NEJM 332:576-579, 1995 Lentiginosis with cutaneous myxomas JAAD 44’282-284, 2001 Lentiginosis with osteochondromyxoma of bone Am J Surg Pathol 25:164-1776, 2001 Lentiginosis with nevoid hypopigmentation BJD 144:188-189, 2001 Lentiginosis with testicular microlithiasis Clin Exp Dermatol 25:655-656, 2000 LEOPARD syndrome (multiple lentigines syndrome; Moynahan syndrome) – autosomal dominant; generalized lentiginosis, especially over neck and trunk; structural cardiac abnormalities, cardiac symptoms, electrocardiographic abnormalities, genitourinary abnormalities (gonadal hypoplasia, hypospadias, delayed puberty), neurologic defects, cephalofacial dysmorphism, short stature or low birth weight, skeletal

abnormalities Ped Derm 21:139-145, 2004; JAAD 46:161-183, 2002; J Med Genet 34:582-586, 1997; Am J Dis Child 117:652-662, 1969 Neurofibromatosis – axillary freckling Moynahan’s syndrome – lentigines, congenital mitral stenosis, dwarfism, mental retardation, genital hypoplasia Ghatan p.6, 2002, Second Edition Mucocutaneous pigmentation with intestinal hemangiomatosis – Peutz-Jegher-like lentiginosis with intestinal hemangiomatosis Gastroenterology 38:641-645, 1960 Mukamel syndrome – autosomal recessive; premature graying in infancy, lentigines, depigmented macules, mental retardation, spastic paraparesis, microcephaly, scoliosis Bolognia p.859, 2003 Multiple mucosal neuroma syndrome (MEN IIB) – perioral or periocular lentigines, freckles, or hyperpigmentation Noonan-like syndrome, cherubism and polyarticular villonodular synovitis Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 67:698-705, 1989 Peutz-Jeghers syndrome – autosomal dominant; oral lentigines of gums, buccal mucosa, hard palate, lips, around nose and mouth, palms and soles, dorsal hands and feet; lentigines fade with time except mucosal lesions; gastrointestinal polyposis, clubbing, ovarian tumors, precocious puberty with hormone secreting tumors Curr Prob Derm 14:41-70, 2002; Cancer Res 58:5267-5270, 1998; Curr Prob Derm VII:143-198, 1995; Gut 30:1588-1590, 1989; NEJM 316:1511-1514, 1987; Gastroenterology 32:434-451, 1957; NEJM 241:992-1005, 1949 Phakomatosis pigmentokeratotica – speckled lentiginous nevus in association with nevus sebaceus Dermatology 197:377-380, 1998 Piebaldism – penile lentigines Pipkin’s syndrome – autosomal dominant, nystagmus, strabismus Bolognia p.982, 2003 Progeria – axillary freckling Ghatan p.239, 2002, Second Edition Progressive cardiomyopathic lentiginosis Ped Derm 1:146-153, 1953 Tay’s syndrome – autosomal recessive Bolognia p.982, 2003 Touraine centrofacial lentiginosis – autosomal dominant, lentigines in butterfly distribution and forehead, central nervous system abnormalities, high forehead, high-arched palate, pectus deformities, kyphosis, spina bifida, umbilical hernias BJD 94:39-43, 1976 Watson’s syndrome – café au lait macules, axillary and perianal freckling, pulmonic stenosis, low intelligence, short stature JAAD 46:161-183, 2002; JAAD 40:877-890, 1999 Xeroderma pigmentosum BJD 152:545-551, 2005; AD 123:241-250, 1987

Radiation lentigo AD 133:209-211, 1997

Arterial dissection Bolognia p.982, 2003

Carney complex Cronkhite-Canada syndrome

LEOPARD syndrome Noonan’s syndrome Seborrheic keratoses, macular Solar lentigines Turner’s syndrome

Allergic contact dermatiits Dermatomyositis

Bactrim drug eruption Minoxidil – pseudoacromegaly JAAD 48:962-965, 2003 Phenytoin hypersensitivity syndrome – coarse facial features, enlarged lips and nose JAAD 18:721-741, 1988

Airborne ragweed contact dermatitits

Dermatophyte infection – generalized deep dermatophytosis (trichophytic granuloma) – Trichophyton rubrum AD 140:624-625, 2004 Leishmaniasis – diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (Leishmania aethiopica, L. mexicana) Rook p.1415, 1998, Sixth Edition; JAAD 34:257, 1996; lupoid leishmaniasis Leprosy – lepromatous leprosy Rook p.1225, 1998, Sixth Edition Mycobacterium tuberculosis – lupus vulgaris Onchocerciasis – ‘mal marado’ Syphilis – nodular secondary syphilis JAAD 17:914, 1987; malignant secondary syphilis Trichodysplasia spinulosa – papovaviral infection of immunocomprised host; progressive alopecia of eyebrows initially, then scalp and body hair and red follicular papules of nose, ears, forehead; leonine facies JID Symposium Proceedings 4:268-271, 1999

Amyloidosis JAAD 39:149-171, 1998; Singapore Med J 1193, 1970 Langerhans cell histiocytosis – primary cutaneous AD 127:1545-1548, 1991 Progressive nodular histiocytosis BJD 143:628-631, 2000; JAAD 29:278-280, 1993; progressive nodular histiocytoma Lancet 24:208-209, 1987 Scleromyxedema (lichen myxedematous) – linear papules, leonine facies, arthritis and rash, sclerodermoid changes

BJD 144:594-596, 2001; JAAD 44:273-281, 2001; JAAD 289-294, 1998; AD 123:786-789, 1987 Xanthoma disseminatum JAAD 13:383, 1985; AD 121:1313-1317, 1985

Lymphocytoma cutis AD 130:155-156, 1994 Sarcoid Cutis 73:57-62, 2004; AD 136:712-714, 2000; AD 133:215-219, 1997; JAAD 24:451, 1991; Ann DV 116:816-817, 1989

Acromegaly Cretinism – coarse facial features, lethargy, macroglossia, cold dry skin, livedo, umbilical hernia, poor muscle tone, coarse scalp hair, synophrys, no pubic or axillary hair at puberty Rook p.2708, 1998, Sixth Edition Cryoglobulinemia – monoclonal, type I Nodular xanthomatosis, infancy Ped Derm 4:242-246, 1987

Carcinoid syndrome Epidermal nevi Ped Derm 3:69-74, 1985 Hair follicle hamartoma Keratoacanthomas, multiple; generalized eruptive keratoacanthomas of Grzybowski – masked facies BJD 142:800-803, 2000 Leukemia cutis – congenital monocytic leukemia BJD 150:753-756, 2004; congenital leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia with blast transformation JAAD 12:943-8, 1985; JAAD 11:121-8, 1984; chronic lymphocytic leukemia; chloroma; acute myelomonocytic leukemia AAD Annual Meeting 1999: Gross and Microscopic Dermatology Lymphoma, including cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) Eur J Dermatol 10:309-312, 2000; pilotropic (follicular) CTCL AD 138:191-198, 2002 Metastatic breast carcinoma JAAD 37:129-130, 1997 Plasmacytomas – disseminated extramedullary plasmacytomas JAAD 14:335, 1986 Subcutaneous eosinophilic necrosis with myelodysplastic syndrome JAAD 20:320, 1989 Trichoepitheliomas – multiple trichoepitheliomas (trichoepitheliomatous infiltration) Am J Dermatopathol 24:402-405, 2002; Ped Derm 10:252-5, 1993; giant facial nodules BJD 149:674-675, 2003

Actinic reticuloid JAAD 38:877-905, 1998; AD 115:1078-1083, 1979

Acne rosacea Rook p.2104-2110, 1998, Sixth Edition Alopecia mucinosa (follicular mucinosis) Ghatan p.250, 2002, Second Edition

Darier’s disease Pityriasis rosea

Infantile systemic hyalinosis Ped Derm 9:255-258, 1992 KID syndrome – keratosis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome – fixed orange, symmetrical hyperkeratotic plaques of scalp, ears, and face with perioral rugae; aged or leonine facies; erythrokeratoderma-like; later hyperkeratotic nodules develop Ped Derm 17:115-117, 2000; Ped Derm 13:105-113, 1996; BJD 94:211-217, 1976 Lipoid proteinosis Mucolipidoses (pseudo-Hurler polydystrophy) BJD 130:528-533, 1994 Mucopolysaccharidoses (Hurler’s, Hurler-Schei, Sanfilippo, Morquio, Maroteaux-Lamy, Sly syndromes) – coarse facies Rook p.2624-2625, 1998, Sixth Edition Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis JAAD 49:1125-1127, 2003; Indian J Lepr 60:604-608, 1988; JAAD 11:713-723, 1984 Neurofibromatosis Pachydermoperiostosis (Touraine-Solente-Gole syndrome) AD 124:1831-1834, 1988; JAAD 31:941-953, 1994 Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of the facial bones Int J Oral Surg 10 (Suppl 1):47-51, 1981 Premature familial sebaceous hyperplasia JAAD 37:996-998, 1997 Setleis syndrome (focal facial dermal dysplasia with other facial anomalies) – autosomal recessive; aged leonine appearance, bi-temporal scar-like defects, absent or multiple rows of upper eyelashes, eyebrows slanted up and out, absent eyebrows, puckered periorbital skin, scar-like median furrow of chin Ped Derm 21:82-83, 2004; Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg 35:107-111, 2001; BJD 130:645-649, 1994; AD 110:615-618, 1974; Br J Derm 84:410-416, 1971; Pediatrics 32:540-548, 1963 Steatocystoma multiplex Winchester syndrome – annular and serpiginous thickenings of skin; arthropathy, gargoyle-like face, gingival hypertrophy, macroglossia, osteolysis (multilayered symmetric restrictive banding), generalized hypertrichosis, very short stature, thickening and stiffness of skin with annular and serpiginous thickenings of skin, multiple subcutaneous nodules JAAD 50:S53-56, 2004

Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia Cutis 72:323-326, 2003 Port wine stain (nevus flammeus) Eyelid and Conjunctival Tumors, Shields JA and Shields CL, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins p.114, 1999

LEUKODERMA, GUTTATE Bolognia p.962, 2003 Chemical leukoderma Chromosomal abnormalities Darier’s disease Flat warts

Frictional lichenoid dermatosis Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis In association with keratosis punctata Leukoderma punctata following PUVA therapy Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus Morphea Pityriasis lichenoides chronica Tuberous sclerosis Vitiligo Xeroderma pigmentosum

Leukonychia – congenital JAAD 39:509-512, 1998

Chemotherapy – transverse striated leukonychia Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.512, 2001 Sulfathiazole Dermatol Clin 6:305-313, 1988 Trazolone Dermatol Clin 6:305-313, 1988

Nitric acid – diffuse leukonychia Semin Dermatol 10:17-20, 1991 Nitrite solution – diffuse leukonychia Semin Dermatol 10:17-20, 1991 Concentrated sodium chloride – diffuse leukonychia Semin Dermatol 10:17-20, 1991

Leprosy Mycobacterium tuberculosis Dermatol Clin 6:305-313, 1988 Onychomycosis – superficial white onychomycosis – Trichophyton rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, Aspergillus species, Acremonium species (A. strictum), Fusarium solani, Onychocola canadensis AD 140:696-701, 2004; JAAD 36:29-32, 1997 Sepsis – transverse white nail bands Ghatan p.81, 2002, Second Edition Typhoid fever Dermatol Clin 6:305-313, 1988

Transverse striated leukonychia – after febrile illness Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.512, 2001 Ulcerative colitis Semin Dermatol 10:17-20, 1991

Anemia – apparent leukonychia Rook p. 2830, 1998, Sixth Edition Congestive heart failure – Terry’s nails(proximal 80% of nail plate is white, distal 20% is pink) Ghatan p.85, 2002,

Second Edition, white lunulae Ghatan p.80, 2002, Second Edition Hemochromatosis – leukonychia AD 113:161-165, 1977; Medicine 34:381-430, 1955 Hypoalbuminemia – Muehrcke’s lines (thin white transverse bands) Ghatan p.82, 2002, Second Edition; leukonychia Ghatan p.79, 2002, Second Edition; Terry’s nails (proximal 80% of nail plate is white, distal 20% is pink) Ghatan, Second Edition, 2002, p.85 Liver disease – leukonychia Ghatan p.79, 2002, Second Edition; white lunulae Ghatan, Second Edition, 2002, p.80; Terry’s nails Ghatan, Second Edition, 2002, p.85 Pellagra – leukonychia Ghatan p.79, 2002, Second Edition Terry’s nails – apparent leukonychia (diffuse whitening of the nail bed) Lancet 1:757-759, 1954 Zinc deficiency – leukonychia Ghatan p.79, 2002, Second Edition; Muehrcke’s paired lines Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.512, 2001

Leukonychia and internal malignancy Dermatol Clin 6:305-313, 1988

Alopecia areata – white lunulae Ghatan p.80, 2002, Second Edition Darier’s disease Dermatol Clin 6:305-313, 1988 Hailey-Hailey disease (longitudinal leukonychia) Hautarzt 43:451-452, 1992 Leukonychia totalis BJD 152:401-402, 2005 Mee’s lines (white transverse bands) seen with arsenic poisoning, pellagra, malnutrition, typhoid fever, Hodgkin’s disease, renal failure, renal allograft rejection, and myocardial infarction Dermatol Clin 6:305-313, 1988 Psoriasis Dermatol Clin 6:305-313, 1988

Bart-Pumphrey syndrome – knuckle pads, total leukonychia, mixed hearing loss JAAD 51:292, 2004; NEJM 276:202-207, 1967 Leukonychia totalis, sebaceous cysts, renal calculi AD 111:899-901, 1975 Leukonychia and peptic ulcer disease and cholelithiasis NY State J Med 1982:1797-1800 Leukonychia, keratoderma and hypotrichosis BJD 133:636-638, 1995; palmoplantar keratoderma and atrophic fibrosis Int J Derm 29:535-541, 1990 Leukonychia and pili torti Cutis 1985:533-534 Leukonychia, congenital hypoparathyroidism; hypoparathyroidism, onychorrhexis, and cataracts, LEOPARD syndrome Int J Derm 29:535-541, 1990

Arsenic – Mee’s lines of nails BJD 149:757-762, 2003 Heavy metal poisoning Dermatol Clin 6:305-313, 1988 Thallium – transverse white nail bands Ghatan p.81, 2002, Second Edition

Minor trauma Dermatol Clin 6:305-313, 1988; punctate leukonychia Rook p. 2830, 1998, Sixth Edition

Dissecting aortic aneurysm – transverse white nail bands Ghatan p.81, 2002, Second Edition Edema – apparent leukonychia Rook p. 2830, 1998, Sixth Edition Ischemia – white lunulae Ghatan p.80, 2002, Second Edition Raynaud’s phenomenon Dermatol Clin 6:305-313, 1988 Vascular insufficiency – pale nail bed (apparent leukonychia) Rook p. 2830, 1998, Sixth Edition

LEUKOPLAKIA JAAD 36:928-934, 1997

Allergic contact dermatitis with oral lichenoid reaction to amalgam fillings (mercury) BJD 134:420-423, 1996; BJD 126:10-15, 1992; allergic contact dermatitis to cinnamonflavored gum Bolognia p.1086, 2003 Graft vs. host disease Rook p.2756,3058, 1998, Sixth Edition Lupus erythematosus – discoid lupus erythematosus Dermatol Clin 21:63-78, 2003; BJD 121:727-741, 1989

Congenital dyskeratosis

Lichen planus, drug induced

Antiseptics Ghatan p.92, 2002, Second Edition Aspirin burn/alcohol burn Betel chewing Cutis 71:307-311, 2003; JAAD 37:81-88, 1998 Mercury – lichenoid mucositis secondary to amalgam fillings with mercury Mouthwashes (Listerene) Oral Surg 46:781, 1978 Nicotine stomatitis – begins as erythema of hard palate; then progresses to grayish white nodular appearance Dermatol Clin 21:63-78, 2003; Rook p.3057,3098, 1998, Sixth Edition Phenol Ghatan p.92, 2002, Second Edition Pipe smoking – benign keratosis of palate Rook p.3098-3099, 1998, Sixth Edition Reverse smoking (India) – palate; snuff dipping and smokeless tobacco (tobacco pouch keratosis) – vestibule Dermatol Clin 21:63-78, 2003; Rook p.3098-3099, 1998, Sixth Edition Skin grafts Rook p.3057, 1998, Sixth Edition Viadent-associated leukokeratosis (sanguinaria extract) J Can Dent Assoc 56:41-47, 1990

AIDS – herpes simplex and pseudomonas; oral hairy leukoplakia – AIDS-associated lesion; Epstein-Barr virus Tyring p.162-164, 2002; JAAD 22:79-86, 1990 Bejel – endemic syphilis; mucous patch Rook p.1252,3057,3091, 1998, Sixth Edition Candida – acute pseudomembranous candidosis Rook p.1340,3101, 1998, Sixth Edition; chronic hyperplastic candidiasis Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 56:388-395, 1983; chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis Annu Rev Med 32:491-497, 1981; oral candidiasis in chronic granulomatous disease, hyper-IgE syndrome, immunodeficiency with thymoma, APECED syndrome, myeloperoxidase deficiency, selective IgA deficiency, severe combined immunodeficiency, adenosine deaminase deficiency, cellular immunodeficiency with immunoglobulins, bare lymphocyte syndrome, congenital thymic aplasia, DiGeorge’s syndrome, Nezelof’s syndrome, C3 deficiency, biotin-responsive multiple carboxylase deficiency Rook p.2744-2745,2749, 1998, Sixth Edition Histoplasmosis Koplik’s spots Oral hairy leukoplakia – AIDS-associated lesion; Epstein-Barr virus Tyring p.162-164, 2002; JAAD 22:79-86, 1990; also seen in immunosuppressed BJD 124:483-486, 1991; and immunocompetent patients Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 74:332-333, 1992 Scarlet fever – white coated tongue Syphilis, secondary – mucous patch Rook p.3122, 1998, Sixth Edition; tertiary – atrophic glossitis; syphilitic leukoplakia of the dorsal tongue Rook p.3098-3099, 1998, Sixth Edition; Verrucae Dermatol Clin 21:63-78, 2003; condyloma acuminatum

Langerhans cell histiocytosis Curr Prob Derm VI:1-28, 1994

Liver failure, chronic Rook p.3057, 1998, Sixth Edition Macroglobulinemia Ghatan p.92, 2002, Second Edition Renal failure, chronic Rook p.3057, 1998, Sixth Edition Riboflavin deficiency Sideropenic dysphagia Ghatan p.92, 2002, Second Edition

Acquired dyskeratotic leukoplakia AD 124:117-120, 1988 Bowen’s disease, vulvar Rook p.3233, 1998, Sixth Edition Clear cell adenocarcinoma Epidermal nevus Ghatan p.92, 2002, Second Edition Erythroleukoplakia (speckled leukoplakia) Rook p.3098-3099, 1998, Sixth Edition Extramammary Paget’s disease, vulvar Rook p.3233, 1998, Sixth Edition Leukokeratosis oris Bolognia p.1209, 2003 Leukoplakia Rook p.3098-3099, 1998, Sixth Edition; vulvar squamous epithelial hyperplasia with atypia Rook p.3230-3231,

1998, Sixth Edition; vulvar benign leukoplakia Rook p.3236, 1998, Sixth Edition Papillomas Rook p.3057, 1998, Sixth Edition Porokeratosis of Mibelli Ghatan p.92, 2002, Second Edition Premalignant epithelial dysplasia Proliferative verrucous hyperplasia – expanding exophytic verrucous white plaques AD 127:887-892, 1991; Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 60:285-298, 1985 Squamous cell carcinoma Rook p.3057, 1998, Sixth Edition; vulvar Rook p.3235-3236, 1998, Sixth Edition Squamous cell carcinoma in situ Rook p.3057,3075, 1998, Sixth Edition Submucous fibrosis Ghatan p.92, 2002, Second Edition Verrucous carcinoma (oral florid papillomatosis) Oral Oncol 29B:81-82, 1993 White sponge nevus AD 117:73-76, 1981

Aphthosis Darier’s disease Br Dent J 171:133-136, 1991 Epidermolysis bullosa, Herlitz, junctional type Ped Derm 18:217-222, 2001 Focal oral epithelial hyperplasia (Hecks’s disease) Tyring p.273, 2002 Furred tongue Geographic tongue Hereditary palmoplantar keratoderma (Unna-Thost) with oral keratosis or periodontosis Rook p.3055, 1998, Sixth Edition Idiopathic keratosis Rook p.3057, 1998, Sixth Edition Leukoedema Dermatol Clin 21:63-78, 2003; Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 9:142-146, 1981; AD 116:906-908, 1980 Lichen planus Rook p.1904-1912,3082, Sixth Edition; J Oral Pathol 14:431-458, 1985; vulvar lichen planus mimicking leukoplakia AD 125:1677-1680, 1989 Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus – bluish – white plaques of mouth; may mimic lichen planus Rook p.2549-2551,3231-3232, 1998, Sixth Edition; BJD 131:118-123, 1994; Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 89:64-65, 1991; wrinkled lesions, atrophic vulvar with shrinkage Cutis 67:249-250, 2001; Trans St John’s Hosp Dermatol Soc 57:9-30, 1971; involvement of lip, tongue, gingiva Ped Derm Meeting of AAD, March, 2000 Lichen simpex chronicus, vulvar Rook p.3229, 1998, Sixth Edition Linea alba Dermatol Clin 21:63-78, 2003 Lichenoid verrucous leukoplakia Mal de Meleda Materia alba Pityriasis rubra pilaris Pseudo-oral hairy leukoplakia JAAD 30:300-303, 1994 Psoriasis – annuli; white lesions of buccal mucosa Rook p.3102, 1998, Sixth Edition; Scand J Dent Res 92:50-54, 1984 Shedding oral mucosa Tylosis J Oral Pathol 3:62-70, 1974 Verrucous hyperplasia

Self-inflicted Ghatan p.92, 2002, Second Edition

Clouston’s syndrome (hidrotic ectodermal dysplasi) – autosomal dominant; palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, hair defects, nail dysplasia, leukoplakic lesions Oral Surg 57:258-262, 1984 Cole-Engman syndrome – leukoplakia of the tongue J Oral Maxillofac Surg 57:1138-1141, 1999 Dyskeratosis benigna intraepithelialis mucosae et cutis hereditaria – conjunctivitis, umbilicated keratotic nodules of scrotum, buttocks, trunk; palmoplantar verruca-like lesions, leukoplakia of buccal mucosa, hypertrophic gingivitis, tooth loss J Cutan Pathol 5:105-115, 1978 Dyskeratosis congenita (Zinsser-Engman-Cole syndrome) – Xq28; oral bullae and erosions Rook p.415, 1998, Sixth Edition; J Med Genet 33:993-995, 1996; Dermatol Clin 13:33-39, 1995; BJD 105:321-325, 1981 Focal palmoplantar and oral mucosa (gingival) hyperkeratosis syndrome (MIM:148730) (hereditary painful callosities) – palmoplantar keratoderma, leukoplakia (gingival keratosis), and cutaneous horn of the lips JAAD 52:403-409, 2005; BJD 146:680-683, 2002; Oral Surg 50:250, 1980; Birth Defects 12:239-242, 1976; Arch Int Med 113:866-871, 1964 Grinspan’s syndrome – oral lichen planus, diabetes mellitus, hypertension Ghatan p.202, 2002, Second Edition Hereditary benign intra-epithelial dyskeratoses (Witkop-von Sallmann syndrome) – conjunctivitis; leukoplakia of buccal mucosa, lips, tongue in Haliwa-Saponi Native Americans of North Carolina JAAD 45:634-636, 2001; Arch Pathol 70:696-711, 1960 Hereditary mucoepithelial dysplasia Ghatan p.93, 2002, Second Edition Howell-Evans syndrome – autosomal dominant; focal PPK; oral leukokeratosis, carcinoma of the esophagus Curr Prob Derm 14:71-116, 2002; Q J Med 155:317-333, 1970; QJMed 27:413-429, 1958 Keratosis-ichthyosis-deafness (KID) syndrome – oral leukoplakia, reticulated severe diffuse hyperkeratosis of palms and soles, well marginated, serpiginous erythematous verrucous plaques, perioral furrows, leukoplakia, sensory deafness, photophobia with vascularizing keratitis, blindness Ped Derm 13:105-113, 1996; BJD 122:689-697, 1990; JAAD 23:385-388, 1990; AD 123:777-782, 1987; AD 117:285-289, 1981 Olmsted syndrome – oral leukokeratosis, periorificial keratotic plaques; congenital diffuse sharply marginated transgradient keratoderma of palms and soles, onychodystrophy, constriction of digits, diffuse alopecia, thin nails, chronic paronychia, linear keratotic streaks, follicular keratosis, constriction of digits (ainhum), anhidrosis, small stature; differential diagnostic considerations include Clouston hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, pachyonychia congenita, acrodermatitis enteropathica, Vohwinkel’s keratoderma, mal de Meleda, and other palmoplantar keratodermas JAAD 53:S266-272, 2005; Ped Derm 21:603-605, 2004; Ped Derm 20:323-326, 2003; BJD 136:935-938, 1997; AD 132:797-800, 1996; JAAD 10:600-610, 1984 Oral florid papillomatosis Pachyonychia congenita – white sponge nevus (oral leukokeratosis) BJD 152:800-802, 2005; JAAD 19:705-711, 1988 Plummer-Vinson syndrome Pseudoxanthoma elasticum

Trichothiodystrophy syndromes – BIDS, IBIDS, PIBIDS – white plaques of the tongue, poikiloderma, sparse or absent eyelashes and eyebrows, brittle hair, premature aging, sexual immaturity, ichthyosis, dysmyelination, bird-like facies, dental caries; trichothiodystrophy with ichthyosis, urologic malformations, hypercalciuria and mental and physical retardation JAAD 44:891-920, 2001; Ped Derm 14:441-445, 1997

Arsenic exposure, chronic

Biting buccal mucosa (morsicatio buccarum et labiorum) Rook p.3098-3099, 1998, Sixth Edition Burns, thermal Rook p.3057, 1998, Sixth Edition Cheek biting Rook p.3060, 1998, Sixth Edition Dentures Rook p.3098-3099, 1998, Sixth Edition Frictional keratosis Dermatol Clin 21:63-78, 2003; Rook p.3057, 1998, Sixth Edition Lye Mechanical irritation Rook p.3098-3099, 1998, Sixth Edition Radiation Ghatan p.92, 2002, Second Edition Seizure Tobacco chewer Rook p.3098-3099, 1998, Sixth Edition Tongue biting Rook p.3098-3099, 1998, Sixth Edition

LINEAR HYPOPIGMENTATION Epidermal nevus Goltz’s syndrome Hypomelanosis of Ito Incontinentia pigmenti, fourth stage Intralesional corticosteroids Lichen striatus Linear keratosis follicularis and linear basaloid follicular hamartoma with guttate macules Menkes’ kinky hair syndrome (female carrier) Nevus comedonicus Nevus depigmentosus Pigmentary mosaicism Segmental vitiligo Segmental ash leaf macule

Allergic contact dermatitis to poison ivy, hair dye, tape, hat or wrist band Rook p.788, 1998, Sixth Edition; Poederus dermatitis Cutis 72:385-388, 2003 Cold urticaria – ice cube test

Combined immunodeficiency disease – red plaques with linear scars JAAD 25:761-766, 1991 Dermatomyositis – centripetal flagellate erythema J Rheumatol 26:692-695, 1999; presenting as a pityriasis rubra pilaris-like eruption (type Wong dermatomyositis) (follicular hyperkeratotic linear lesions of backs of hands and feet, palms, soles in Chinese patients) – linear lesions over bony prominences JAAD 43:908-912, 2000; BJD 136:768-771, 1997; BJD 81:544-547, 1969; hyperpigmented linear streaks over extensor tendon sheaths in dark-skinned individuals BJD 132:670-671, 1995; linear violaceous edematous streaks of trunk Clin Exp Dermatol 21:440-441, 1996; mechanics’ hands – hyperkeratotic fissures of radial and palmar surfaces of fingers Medicine 70:360-374, 1991 Graft vs. host disease – lichenoid graft vs. host reaction JAAD 37:1004-1006, 1997; AD 130:70-72, 1994; South Med J 87:758-761, 1994 Linear melorheostotic scleroderma – indurated skin overlying bony lesions; rare form of hyperostosis (endosteal bony densities resembling candle wax); pain and stiffness, contracture and deformity; cutaneous changes overlying these bony lesions are of two types: (1) Proliferation and malformation of blood vessels and lymphatics. (2) Sclerodermatous changes; linear melorheostotic scleroderma with hypertrichosis sine melorheostosis BJD 141:771-772, 1999; AD 115:1233-1234, 1979; BJD 86:297-301, 1972 Lupus erythematosus – bullous lupus erythematosus Ped Derm 12:138-144, 1995; linear lupus profundus JAAD 24:871-874, 1991; neonatal lupus Ped Derm 22:240-242, 2005 Morphea – including morphea with mucin; linear morphea Semin Cutan Med Surg 18:210-225, 1999; Semin Cutan Med Surg 17:27-33, 1998; Int J Derm 35:330-336, 1996; nodular morphea (Addisonian keloid) Int J Dermatol 38:529-530, 1999; en coup de sabre Pemphigus erythematosus localizing in a scar Cutis 64:179-182, 1999; pemphigus vulgaris in a scar Dermatologica 182:191-192, 1991 Pemphigus foliaceus of children JAAD 46:419-422, 2002; Ped Derm 3:459-463, 1986 Rheumatoid arthritis – linear subcutaneous bands Am J Med 54:445-452, 1973; Ann Intern Med 63:134-140, 1965; rheumatoid nodules; palisaded neutrophilic granulomatous dermatitis of rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatoid neutrophilic dermatosis) (interstitial granulomatous dermatitis) – vertical symmetrical linear cords or bands of median axillary line JAAD 53:191-209, 2005; JAAD 47:251-257, 2002; JAAD 45:286-291, 2001; Ann DV 117:746-748, 1990; intravascular or intralymphatic histiocytosis in rheumatoid arthritis JAAD 50:585-590, 2004 Scleroderma, including scleroderma as plasma cell panniculitis JAAD 21:357-360, 1989; perioral rhagades Rook p.3129, 1998, Sixth Edition Serum sickness – linear purpura along margins of hands and feet JAAD 13:411-417, 1985 Still’s disease (juvenile rheumatoid arthritis) – linear urticarial-like lesions; linear pigmentation Dermatology 202:333-335, 2001

Amniotic band syndrome Aplasia cutis congenita – isolated lesion; of face Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.129, 2001

Aplasia cutis congenita in surviving co-twins Ped Derm 18:511-515, 2001 Aplasia cutis congenita with fetus papyraceus – linear and stellate atrophy Cutis 64:104-106, 1999 Aplasia cutis congenita, reticulolinear – of face and neck as manifestation of Xp22 deletion syndrome BJD 138:1046-1052, 1998 Acquired raised bands of infancy – associated with amniotic bands Ped Derm 22:346-349, 2005 Branchial cleft cyst and sinus tract Ped Derm 2:318-321, 1985 Congenital constriction band of the trunk (variant of amniotic band syndrome) Ped Derm 14:470-472, 1997 Congenital curvilinear palpable hyperpigmentation JAAD 53:S162-164, 2005 Graft-like plantar lesion JAAD 40:769-771, 1999 Horizontal neonatal linear hyperpigmentation of creases of abdomen and knees Eichenfeld p.98, 2001 Midline cervical cleft – atrophic linear lesion AD 141:1161-1166, 2005 Pre-auricular skin defects AD 133:1551-1554, 1997 Sucking blisters – linear erosions Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.139,148, 2001 Supraumbilical mid-abdominal raphe Ped Derm 10:69-70, 1993 Trisomy 8 – deep vertical creases of soles Trisomy 9 syndrome

Acral dysesthesia syndrome – accentuation along Wallace’s line Anabolic steroids – linear keloids Cutis 53:41-43, 1994 Bleomycin – flagellate erythema and hyperpigmentation Clin Exp Dermatol 16:216-217, 1991; AD 123:393-398, 1987; palmar creases JAAD 40:367-398, 1999; limited to striae JAAD 28:503-505, 1993; linear papules and red macules JAAD 40:367-398, 1999; scaly linear erythema of dorsa of hands with atrophy and telangiectasia (dermatomyositis-like) JAAD 48:439-441, 2003 Bone marrow transplant – unilateral lichenoid eruption after bone marrow transplant JAAD 28:888-892, 1993 Corticosteroids – rosacea; intralesional corticosteroids – linear hypopigmentation AD 121:26, 1985; perilesional linear atrophy JAAD 19:537-541, 1988; linear atrophy due to intralesional corticosteroid injections of de Quervain tendonitis Cutis 73:197-198, 2004 Coumarin – linear localized coumarin necrosis Dermatologica 168:31-34, 1984 Fetal hydantoin syndrome – single palmar crease Fetal trimethadione syndrome – single palmar crease Fixed drug eruption Norplant implantation site

Agave americana (century plant) dermatitis – linear purpura Cutis 72:188-190, 2003 Aluminum-zirconium complex – linear axillary papules JAAD 37:496-498, 1997 Berrylium dermatitis – linear papules JAAD 49:939-941, 2003 Bovine collagen, injectable – allergic reaction Cocaine injection nodules JAAD 21:570-572, 1989

Copper eyeglass frames – green skin Coral dermatitis Fetal alcohol syndrome – single palmar crease Fiberglass dermatitis – linear erosions Ghatan p.187, 2002, Second Edition; also urticaria, petechiae, purpura, telangiectasia, erythema multiforme-like, and nummular eczema-like lesions AD 130:787-792, 1994 Foreign body granulomas to suture material Jellyfish, coral, and sea urchin spines – pruritic lichenoid papules and plaques; linear flagellate patterns Bolognia p.1477, 2003 Metal sutures Norplant implantation Silicone – linear edema, nodularity, scarring, and bound-down skin due to leakage of silicone breast implant AD 131:54-56, 1995 Smoker’s face – linear wrinkling and atrophy AD 128:255-262, 1992 Suture material – extrusion of undigested suture material

AIDS (HIV) – linear excoriations; linear gingival erythema of HIV disease Bacterial dissection Cutis 51:43-44, 1993 Bacterial subungual infections – Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella spp., Proteus spp. – longitudinal melanonychia Derm Surg 27:580-584, 2001 Bed bug bites (Cimex lectularis) Beetles – whiplash dermatitis; linear blisters JAAD 22:815-819, 1990; coconut beetles Rook p.1448, 1998, Sixth Edition Blister beetle dermatosis (Lytta vesicatoria) Ped Derm 9:246-250, 1992; JAAD 22:815-819, 1990; rove beetles (Paederus species) Cutis 69:277-279, 2002; AD 94:175-185, 1966 Botryomycosis Cutis 56:158-160, 1995 Calipito itch – caterpillar dermatitis Candidiasis – erosio interdigitalis blastomycetica Coelenterate envenomation – acute jellyfish stings (cnidarian envenomation); recurrent eruptions following coelenterate envenomation The Clinical Management of Itching; Parthenon Publishing, 2000; p.xiii; JAAD 17:86-92, 1987; Portuguese man-of-war stings The Clinical Management of Itching; Parthenon; p.65, 2000; J Emerg Med 10:71-77, 1992 Coccidioidomycosis JAAD 21:1138-1141, 1989 Coxsackle A16 – linear erosions Coxsackie B4 – linear purpura of the ankles Cutaneous larva migrans; including oral irregular linear lesions Oral Surg 77:362-367, 1994 Echovirus 6 Am J Dis Child 133:283, 1979 Eczema herpeticum Gnathostomiasis Gypsy moth caterpillar dermatitis JAAD 24:979-981, 1991 Hand, foot and mouth disease Herpes simplex – linear intertrigo; linear distribution on face; linear tongue fissure in HIV patients (herpetic geometric glossitis); eczema herpeticum Jellyfish sting, including Portuguese man-of-war sting Larva currens (Strongyloides) Dermatol Clin 7:275-290, 1989; AD 124:1826-1830, 1988

Leeches Leishmaniasis – post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis; Koebnerized papules BJD 143:136-143, 2000 Leprosy – visible and palpable nerves including posterior auricular nerve – thickening of peripheral nerves can occur in all forms of leprosy Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis 62:37-42, 1994; localized linear lesions of lepromatous leprosy Indian J Lepr 73:343-348, 2001; differentiate from palpable peripheral nerves of hereditary sensory motor neuropathy type III; amyloidosis Rook p.1231, 1998, Sixth Edition Loiasis – linear cord BJD 145:487-489, 2001 Lymphogranuloma venereum – inguinal adenitis with abscess formation; sign of the groove – groin fold dividing the swollen lymph nodes Genital Skin Disorders, Fischer and Margesson, CV Mosby p.147, 1998; Int J Dermatol 15:26-33, 1976 Molluscum contagiosum Mycobacterium tuberculosis – lupus vulgaris; sporotrichoid pattern Int J Derm 40:336-339, 2001 Myiasis, migratory Papular urticaria Phaeohyphomycosis – linear vegetative plaques of legs; Coniothyrium Cutis 73:127-130, 2004 Scabies Scarlet fever – Pastia’s lines (linear petechial streaks of the flexures) JAAD 39:383-398, 1998, Clin Inf Dis 14:2-13, 1992 Snake bite fang marks Sparganosis – linear migratory erythema with or without pustules Sporotrichosis – healed – linear scars Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome Streptococcal infection – linear crusts of group B Streptococcus infection of the penis JAAD 20:367-390, 1989 Syphilis – tertiary – linear scars; perioral rhagades Rook p.1255, 1998, Sixth Edition; congenital – linear scar Actas Dermosifiliogr 56:203-206, 1965 (Spanish) Tinea corporis in HIV disease Tinea versicolor Varicella, congenital – linear erosions; linear array of scars – intrauterine varicella JAAD 43:864-866, 2000; AJDC 117:231-235, 1969 Verrucae, including flat warts (Koebnerized), cutaneous horn due to warts Rook p.1037, 1998, Sixth Edition; wart over nail matrix – longitudinal nail groove Rook p.2827, 1998, Sixth Edition Yaws – secondary (crab yaws) – linear fissures of hyperkeratotic plantar surfaces Rook p.1270, 1998, Sixth Edition

Alopecia mucinosa Rook p.128, 1998, Sixth Edition Amyloidosis – primary systemic; linear striations of nails Rook p.2633, 1998, Sixth Edition; infiltration of nerves; chronic diffuse amyloidosis with nerve infiltration Ghatan p.257, 2002, Second Edition; lichen amyloid; β2-microglobulin amyloidosis – shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, flexor tendon deposits of hands, lichenoid papules, hyperpigmentation, subcutaneous nodules (amyloidomas) Int J Exp Clin Inves 4:187-211, 1997 Cutaneous mucinosis of infancy – congenital linear variant of self-healing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis AD 122:790, 1986; AD 119:272-273, 1983 Juvenile xanthogranuloma Ped Derm 21:513-515, 2004 Scleromyxedema – linear papules, leonine facies, arthritis and rash, sclerodermoid changes JAAD 44:273-281, 2001

Self-healing papular (juvenile) cutaneous mucinosis JAAD 44:273-281, 2001; AD 131:459-461, 1995; Ann DV 107:51-57, 1980 Urticaria pigmentosa (mastocytosis) – Darier’s sign

Anetoderma following angular cheilitis BJD 138:923-924, 1998 Angular cheilitis – linear fissures; candida, staphylococci, immune deficiency, dentures, overbite, atopic dermatitis, riboflavin, iron, folate deficiencies, protein malnutrition, hypersalivation (drooling) (Down’s syndrome), edentulous patients, prognathism Rook p.3135-3136, 1998, Sixth Edition Connective tissue panniculitis – nodules, atrophic linear plaques of face, upper trunk, or extremities AD 116:291-294, 1980 Crohn’s disease – linear oral ulcers in buccal sulcus JAAD 36:697-704, 1997; vulvar linear knife-cut ulcers Genital Skin Disorders, Fischer and Margesson, CV Mosby p.162, 1998 Erythema multiforme Gingival erythema, linear Curr Prob Derm VIII:41-96, 1996 Hidradenitis suppurativa Intersitial granulomatous dermatitis (interstitial granulomatous dermatitis with plaques, linear rheumatoid nodule, railway track dermatitis, linear granuloma annulare, palisaded neutrophilic granulomatous dermatitis) – red, linear plaques with arthritis; annular plaques, papules, linear erythematous cords (rope sign), urticarial lesions JAAD 47:319-320, 2002; JAAD 47:251-257, 2002; JAAD 46:892-899, 2002; JAAD 45:286-291, 2001; JAAD 34:957-961, 1996; Dermatopathol Prac Concept 1:3-6, 1995 Lymphangitis due to liquid nitrogen, dyshidrosis Median rhomboid glossitis Plasma cell panniculitis JAAD 21:357-360, 1989 Post-phlebitic linear hypertrichosis AD 124:30, 1988 Pruritic linear urticarial rash, fever, and systemic inflammatory disease of adolescents – urticaria, linear lesions, periorbital edema and erythema, and arthralgia Ped Derm 21:580-588, 2004 Sarcoid in scars; subcutaneous sarcoid (Darier-Roussey sarcoid) – linear bands of forearms BJD 153:790-794, 2005 Superficial vegetating pyoderma

Acrodermatitis enteropathica or acquired zinc deficiency – linear bullae in palmar creases Rook p.2670, 1998, Sixth Edition Acromegaly – cutis verticis gyratum, linear furrowing of facial lines Ghatan p.165, 2002, Second Edition Beau’s lines Rook p.2828, 1998, Sixth Edition Calcinosis cutis – iatrogenic metastatic calcinosis cutis Ped Derm 20:225-228, 2003; plate-like calcinosis cutis BJD 150:753-756, 2004 Cholinergic dermatographism – red line with punctate wheals BJD 115:371-177, 1986 Cushing’s disease – striae Diabetes mellitus – diabetic dermopathy; sometimes linear atrophic brown scars Rook p.2674, 1998, Sixth Edition; Cutis 3:955-958, 1967 Diagonal ear lobe crease Cutis 23:328-331, 1979; NEJM 289:327-328, 1973 Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum – linear array Koebnerizing around a scar Cutis 67:158-160, 2001

Obesity – striae Panhypopituitarism – fine wrinkling around eyes and mouth Ghatan p.165, 2002, Second Edition Porphyrias – erythropoietic porphyria – linear and pitted scars Eur J Pediatr 159:719-725, 2000; J Inherit Metab Dis 20:258-269, 1997; BJD 131:751-766, 1994; Curr Probl Dermatol 20:123-134, 1991; Am J Med 60:8-22, 1976; hereditary coproporphyria; acute intermittent porphyria – linear abdominal scars Pregnancy – hyperpigmentation of linea nigra Rook p.1780, 1998, Sixth Edition; pigmentary demarcation lines of pregnancy JAAD 11:438-440, 1984 Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy – lesions localized in abdominal striae JAAD 39:933-939, 1998; JAAD 10:473-480, 1984; Clin Exp Dermatol 7:65-73, 1982; JAMA 241:1696-1699, 1979 Verruciform xanthoma, disseminated BJD 151:717-719, 2004 Xanthomas – eruptive xanthomas (koebnerized) J Dermatol 19:48-50, 1992; JAAD 19:95-111, 1988; plane xanthomas

Acantholytic dyskeratotic epidermal nevus J Eur Acad/Dermatol Venereol 17:196-199, 2003; BJD 138:875-878, 1998 Achromic nevus Actinic keratosis with cutanous horn Angiolipomas Atypical melanocytic hyperplasia – longitudinal melanonychia Derm Surg 27:580-584, 2001 Basal cell carcinoma Cutis 51:287-289, 1993; giant linear Int J Dermatol 33:284, 1994 Basal cell nevus (linear basal cell nevus) – resemble comedones; usually linear translucent telangiectatic papules, may ulcerate; macular hypopigmentation, alopecia, cysts, striae Cutis 46:493-494, 1990; AD 114:95-97, 1978; BJD 74:20-23, 1962 Basaloid follicular hamartoma AD 133:381-386, 1997; JAAD 27:316-319, 1992 Becker’s nevus Cutis 75:122-124, 2005 Blue nevi JAAD 36:268-269, 1997 Bowen’s disease – linear longitudinal melanonychia JAAD 39:490-493, 1998 Clear cell papulosis – white macules in the milk line Am J Surg Pathol 11:827-834, 1987 Connective tissue nevus mimicking epidermal nevus JAAD 16:264-266, 1987 Cylindromas JAAD 26:821-824, 1992 Dermatofibroma – congenital multiple clustered dermatofibroma – red plaque and papules BJD 142:1040-1043, 2000; Ann DV 111:163-164, 1984 Dermatomyofibroma – linear hyperpigmented plaque Ped Derm 16:456-459, 1999 Digital myxoid cyst – linear nail groove Rook p.2849, 1998, Sixth Edition Eccrine nevi – linear eccrine nevi include:

Eccrine poromas AD 112;841, 1976 Eccrine spiradenoma AD 84:792, 1961 Eccrine syringofibroadenoma Linear eccrine nevus – flesh colored to brown Syringomas Porokeratotic eccrine ostial and dermal duct nevus (palms and soles; verrucous papules)

Eccrine nevus AD 117:357-359, 1981; with comedones AD 117:357-359, 1981 Eccrine poroma AD 112:841-844, 1976 Eccrine spiradenomas – AD 138:973-978, 2002; linear with eyelid involvement J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 15:163-166, 2000; Plast Reconstr Surg 68:100-102, 1981; JAAD 2:59-61, 1980 Eccrine syringofibroadenoma JAAD 36:569-576, 1997; AD 933-934, 1994; AD 126:945-949, 1990 Epidermal nevus JAAD 20:476-478, 1989; Dermatologica 166:84, 1983; epidermal nevus with scattered open comedones; Hailey-Hailey-like; lichenoid epidermal nevus JAAD 20:913-915, 1989 Eruptive lipomas, focal myositis with bilateral painful nodules Cutis 54:189, 1994 Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath Granular cell myoblastoma of lip AD 121:1197-1202, 1985, Cancer 25:415-422, 1970 Hamartoma moniliformis (hair follicle hamartoma) – linear array of skin-colored papules of face and neck BJD 143:1103-1105, 2000; AD 101:191-205, 1970; linear hair follicle nevi Dermatology 206:172-174, 2003 Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus (ILVEN) – linear dermatitic and/or psoriasiform plaques; often on leg AD 113:767-769, 1977; AD 104:385-389, 1971 Infantile myofibromatosis Ped Derm 5:37-46, 1988 Kaposi’s sarcoma – in AIDS AD 124:327-329, 1988 Keloid Keratoacanthomas – multiple keratoacanthomas of Grzybowski Leiomyomas JAAD 46:477-490, 2002 Lentigo simplex – longitudinal melanonychia Derm Surg 27:580-584, 2001 Leukemia – congenital monocytic leukemia with disseminated linear calcinosis cutis in resolved cutaneous lesions BJD 150:753-756, 2004; leukemia cutis in linear scar AD 123:88-90, 1987; zosteriform leukemia cutis Lymphoma – cutaneous T-cell lymphoma with fissured palms Metastases Mucinous nevus (connective tissue nevus of the proteoglycan type) BJD 148:1064-1066, 2003; JAAD 37:312-313, 1997; AD 132:1522-1523, 1996; BJD 1331:368-370, 1994 Multiple deep penetrating nevi AD 139:1608-1610, 2003 Myxoid cyst (over nail matrix) – longitudinal nail groove Rook p.2827, 1998, Sixth Edition Neurilemmomas – linear array on forehead Clin Exp Dermatol 16:247-249, 1991 Neuromas – linear with striated pigmentation J Cutan Pathol 14:43-48, 1987 Nevus comedonicus J Cutan Pathol 31:502-505, 2004; AD 116:1048-1050, 1980; Trans St John’s Hosp Dermatol Soc Lond 59:45-51, 1973; AD 97:533-535, 1968 Nevus lipomatosis J Derm Surg Onc 9:279-281, 1983; Int J Derm 14:273-276, 1975 Nevus sebaceus – linear nevus sebaceus syndrome (Schimmelpenning-Feuerstein-Mims syndrome) Onychopapilloma of nailbed and Bowen’s disease – longitudinal erythronychia BJD 143:132-135, 2000 Osteochondroma – subungual osteochondroma; linear longitudinal nail ridge Ped Derm 11:39-41, 1994 Porokeratosis Ped Derm 21:682-683, 2004; AD 135:1544-1555,1547-1548, 1999; Ped Derm 4:209, 1987;

AD 109:526-528, 1974; unilateral punctate porokeratosis; porokeratosis of Mibelli Porokeratotic eccrine ostial and dermal duct nevus – resemble nevus comedonicus; linear keratotic papules with central plugged pit; may be verrucous; filiform; anhidrotic or hyperhidrotic; most common on palms and soles JAAD 43:364-367, 2000; JAAD 24:300-301, 1991; Cutis 46:495-497, 1990 Sebaceous hyperplasia Am J Dermatopathol 6:237-243, 1984 Seborrheic keratoses – associated with underlying malignancy JAAD 18:1316-1321, 1988 Smooth muscle hamartoma – linear, follicular spotted appearance BJD 142:138-142, 2000; AD 114:104-106, 1978; linear atrophic plaque Ped Derm 13:222-225, 1996 Spiradenomas, multiple Plast Reconstr Surg 68:100-102, 1981 Spitz nevi Ann DV 118:345-347, 1988 Squamous cell carcinoma with perineural invasion Straight hair nevus Int J Derm 9:47-49, 1970 Stucco keratoses Syringocystadenoma papilliferum – linear red papules JAAD 45:139-141, 2001; AD 121:1197-1202, 1985; linear verrucous papules AD 138:1091-1096, 2002 Syringoma – unilateral linear J Dermatol 23:505-506, 1996; JAAD 4:412-416, 1981 Trichilemmal cysts – with segmental multiple glomus tumors Dermatology 200:75-77, 2000; in an extensive comedo nevus BJD 96:545-548, 1977 Trichodiscomas Ann Derm Vener 108:837, 1981 Trichoepitheliomas JAAD 37:881-883, 1997; JAAD 14:927-930, 1986 Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia with neoplastic cellular infiltrate – deck chair sign JAAD 52:S45-47, 2005

Diffuse normolipemic plane xanthoma JAAD 35:819-822, 1996

Actinic prurigo JAAD 44:952-956, 2001; Australas J Dermatol 42:192-195, 2001; Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 15:183-187, 1999; Int J Dermatol 34:380-384, 1995; JAAD 26:683-692, 1992; JAAD 5:183-190, 1981; Clin Exp Dermatol 2:365-372, 1977; familial, in North American Indians Int J Dermatol 10:107-114, 1971; in Caucasians BJD 144:194-196, 2001; polymorphic light eruption of American Indians; occurrence in non-Indians JAAD 34:612-617, 1996; Southeast Asian Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 9:225-228, 1992 Berloque dermatitis Dermatoheliosis (solar elastosis) (sun damage – basophilic alteration of collagen) – linear wrinkling of face Rook p.2027-2028, 1998, Sixth Edition Keratoelastoidosis marginalis (degenerative collagenous plaques of the hands) – linear translucent papules of radial hand and first web space JAAD 51:1-21, 2004; AD 82:362-366, 1960 Phytophotodermatitis – linear and bullous lesions Rook p.790, 1998, Sixth Edition; meadow dermatitis (Umbelliferae) Rook p.796, 1998, Sixth Edition Solar elastotic bands (nodules) of forearm JAAD 15:650-656, 1986 Stellate and discoid pseudoscars – linear scars AD 105:551-554, 1972

Acquired linear dermal melanocytosis AD 118:125-128, 1982 Differential diagnosis of linear hyperpigmented lesions;

Café au lait macule Dermal melanocyte hamartoma Epidermal nevus Hyperpigmentation overlying plexiform neurofibroma Linear blue nevus ‘Nevoid’ macular amyloidosis Nevus of Ito or Ota Nevus spilus Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation Progressive cribriform and zosteriform hyperpigmentation Progressive zosteriform macular pigmented lesions Zosteriform lentiginous nevus

Acrokeratoelastoidosis AD 127:113-118, 1991 Aplasia cutis congenita type II – scalp ACC with associated limb anomalies; hypoplastic or absent distal phalanges, syndactyly, club foot, others; linear fibrous bands of the extremities Ped Derm 19:326-329, 2002 Ashy dermatosis (erythema dyschromicum perstans) Atopic dermatitis – hyperlinear palms; Dennie-Morgan folds Atrophia maculosa varioliformis cutis – linear scars Ped Derm 18:230-233, 2001; JAAD 21:309, 1989; BJD 115:105-109, 1986 Atrophoderma of Pasini and Pierini – linear scars Atrophy linearis semicircularis Axillary granular parakeratosis Cutis verticis gyrata AD 125:434-435, 1989 Darier’s disease – linear Darier’s disease BJD 105:207-214, 1981; linear red, white and pigmented streaks of nails Rook p.2841-2842, 1998, Sixth Edition; JAAD 27:40-50, 1992 Dermatofibrosis lenticularis disseminata Dermatographism Dupuytren’s contracture Ectopic hair of the glans BJD 153:218-219, 2005 Elastosis perforans serpiginosa Hautarzt 43:640-644, 1992; AD 97:381-393, 1968 Epidermolysis bullosa – dominant dystrophic Epidermolysis bullosa pruriginosa (DDEB) – dominant dystrophic – linear prurigo BJD 152:1332-1334, 2005; BJD 129:443-446, 1993; linear lesions and hypertrophic linear scars BJD 146:267-274, 2002; mild acral blistering at birth or early childhood; violaceous papular and nodular lesions in linear array on shins, forearms, trunk; lichenified hypertrophic and verrucous plaques in adults BJD 130:617-625, 1994; neonatal EB Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.161, 2001 Epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma, woolly hair, and dilated cardiomyopathy – striated palmoplantar keratoderma, follicular keratosis, clubbing, vesicles and bullae on trunk, psoriasiform keratoses on knees, legs, and feet JAAD 39:418-421, 1998 Flegel’s disease Follicular atrophodermas – linear scars; Conradi’s syndrome, Bazex syndrome, palmoplantar keratoderma with follicular keratoses and palmoplantar hypohidrosis Futcher’s (Voigt’s) lines – lines of demarcation at anterolateral upper arms and posteromedial lower limbs Cutis 32:376-377, 1983; Science 88:570-571, 1938 Granuloma annulare JAAD 21:1138-1141, 1989; linear in scar JAAD 50:S34-37, 2004

Hailey-Hailey disease BJD 112:349-355, 1985 Ichthyosis hystrix Ichthyosis vulgaris – hyperlinear palms Rook p.1487, 1998, Sixth Edition Infantile granular parakeratosis JAAD 50:S93-96, 2004 Juxtaclavicular beaded lines Keratosis lichenoides chronica JAAD 49:511-513, 2003; Dermatology 201:261-264, 2000; JAAD 38:306-309, 1998; JAAD 37:263-264, 1997; AD 131:609-614, 1995; AD 105:739-743, 1972 Leukoedema Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 9:142-146, 1981; AD 116:906-908, 1980 Lichen nitidus Rook p.1925-1926, 1998, Sixth Edition; Ann DV 116:814-815, 1989 Lichen planus – along Wallace’s line AD 137:85-90, 2001; BJD 142:836-837, 2000; JAAD 20:913-915, 1989; lichen planopilaris of the face JAAD 38:633-635, 1998; JAAD 21:131-132, 1989; in striae Lichen planus pigmentosus J Korean Med Sci 19:152-154, 2004 Lichen ruber moniliformis Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus Eur J Dermatol 8:575-577, 1998 Lichen simplex chronicus Lichen striatus Eur J Dermatol 10:536-539, 2000; cutaneous lesions and linear nail notch JAAD 36:908-913, 1997 Linea alba – buccal mucosa Linea nigra Linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis Linear focal elastosis – yellow linear bands on lower back of elderly men JAAD 47:S189-192, 2002; BJD 145:188-190, 2001; JAAD 36:301-303, 1997; AD 131:1069-1074, 1995; JAAD 20:633-636, 1989 Linear nail bands JAAD 34:943-953, 1996

Black Longitudinal melanonychia striata

Brown Antineoplastic agents

Cyclophosphamide Doxorubicin Hydroxyurea Subungual keratosis of nail bed BJD 140:730-733, 1999

Antiviral agents Zidovudine

Red (longitudinal erythronychia) AD 140:1253-1257, 2004 Cirsoid aneurysm Darier’s disease Lichen planus Glomus tumor Onychopapilloma Squamous cell carcinoma, in situ Ionizing radiation-induced keratosis

White Darier’s disease

Lipoatrophia semicircularis JAAD 39:879-881, 1998 Melasma Cutis 61:229-232, 1998 Median canaliform dystrophy of the nails Rook p.2863, 1998, Sixth Edition; Hautarzt 25:629, 1974; Dermat Atschr 51:416-419, 1928; familial Cutis 75:161-165, 2005 Milia en plaque JAAD 31:107, 1994 Papuloerythroderma of Ofuji – deck chair sign

Pigmentary demarcation lines groups C and E – hypopigmented; hyperpigmented Pigmentary lines of the newborn – resolves without treatment JAAD 28:893-894, 1993 Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta – linear scars Pityriasis rosea – linear scars in bullous pityriasis rosea Proximal nail fold pterygium – longitudinal nail groove Rook p.2827, 1998, Sixth Edition Pseudo-acanthosis nigricans Psoriasis – Koebner phenomenon Rook p.1596, 1998, Sixth Edition; Berlin Klin Wochenschr 21:631-632, 1878; psoriasis in scars, scalp psoriasis; linear pustular psoriasis JAAD 39:635-637, 1998 Railway track-like dermatitis of the anterior axillary fold JAAD 20:920-923, 1989 Raised limb bands BJD 149:436-437, 2003; BJD 147:359-363, 2002 Reactive perforating collagenosis JAAD 10:561-568, 1984 Relapsing linear acantholytic dermatosis JAAD 33:920-922, 1995; BJD 112:349-355, 1985; linear acantholytic dermatosis Ghatan p.41, 2002, Second Edition Sclerotic panatrophy – may follow morphea or occur spontaneously; linear or annular or circumferential bands around limbs Rook p.2016, 1998, Sixth Edition Spiny hyperkeratosis JAAD 31:157-190, 1994

vs. Nevus corniculatus Paraneoplastic hyperkeratosis of palms and soles Pityriasis rubra pilaris

Steatocystoma multiplex, congenital linear lesions of the nose Ped Derm 17:136-138, 2000 Striae distensae (striae atrophicans) Rook p.2004,2008, 1998, Sixth Edition Striate palmoplantar keratoderma (Brunauer-Fohs-Siemens) Int J Dermatol 40:644-645, 2001; Cutis 61:21-214, 1998 Striped hyperpigmentation of the torso Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.379, 2001 Transverse nasal groove AD 84:316-317, 1961; AD 63:70-72, 1951 Unilateral laterothoracic exanthem AD 138:1371-1376, 2002; JAAD 29:799-800, 1993; JAAD 27:693-696, 1992 Unna-Thost palmoplantar keratoderma – diffuse non-epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma – autosomal dominant; Wallace’s line well demarcated; mutations in keratin 16 Hum Mol Genet 4:1875-1881, 1995; mutation in keratin 1 JID 103:764-769, 1994 Vermiculate atrophoderma (keratosis pilaris atrophicans) – linear scars

Vitiligo – segmental vitiligo Vohwinkel’s syndrome (keratoderma hereditaria mutilans) – autosomal dominant; honeycomb palms, starfish keratoses JAAD 44:376-378, 2001 Vorner’s palmoplantar keratoderma – linear erosions in infancy Wallace’s lines BJD 114:513-514, 1986

Factitial dermatitis – linear lesions and linear scars Rook p.2800-2802, 1998, Sixth Edition; JAAD 1:391-407, 1979 Neurotic excoriations Am Fam Phys 64:1981-1984, 2001 Self-mutilation

Aarskog syndrome – single palmar crease J Pediatr 77:856-861, 1970 Acral angiokeratoma-like pseudolymphoma (APACHE syndrome) – linear red papules JAAD S209-211, 2001 Acrocephalopolysyndactyly – linear submental scars Alagille syndrome – linear palmar xanthomas Amniotic band syndrome – linear erosions, crusts, and constrictions AD 130:1055-1060, 1994; Cutis 44:64-66, 1989 Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia – linear atrophic lesions of face Ataxia telangiectasia – linear telangiectasias Rook p.2095,1998, Sixth Edition; Ann Intern Med 99:367-379, 1983 Auriculotemporal syndrome (Frey syndrome) – linear flush and/or sweating on cheek after eating Ped Derm 17:415-416, 2000; AD 133:1143-1145, 1997 Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba-Zonana syndrome (PTEN phosphatase and tensin homolog hamartoma) – transverse palmar crease, dolicocephaly, frontal bossing, macrocephaly, ocular hypertelorism, long philtrum, thin upper lip, broad mouth, relative micrognathia, lipomas, penile or vulvar lentigines, facial verruca-like or acanthosis nigricans-like papules, multiple acrochordons, angiokeratomas, accessory nipple, syndactyly, brachydactyly, vascular malformations, arteriovenous malformations, lymphangiokeratoma, goiter, hamartomatous intestinal polyposis JAAD 53:639-643, 2005 Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (Exomphalos-MacroglossiaGigantism) (EMG) syndrome – autosomal dominant; linear earlobe grooves, zosteriform rash at birth, exomphalos, macroglossia, visceromegaly, facial salmon patch of forehead, upper eyelids, nose, and upper lip and gigantism; circular depressions of helices; increased risk of Wilms’ tumor, adrenal carcinoma, hepatoblastoma, and rhabdomyosarcoma JAAD 37:523-549, 1997; Am J Dis Child 122:515-519, 1971 Branchio-oculo-facial syndrome (dermal thymus resembling linear scar) – autosomal dominant Ped Derm 12:24-27, 1995; AD 125:1681-1684, 1989; Am J Med Genet 27:943-951, 1987 Brooke-Spiegler syndrome – linear papular eruption of eccrine spiradenomas Australas J Dermatol 44:144-148, 2003 Cantu syndrome – linear deep plantar creases, congenital hypertrichosis, cardiomegaly, osteochondrodysplasia, coarse facial features Am J Med 92:191-194, 2000 Carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome – emaciated appearance; lipoatrophy over buttocks; lipoatrophic streaks extend down legs; high nasal bridge, prominent jaw, large ears, inverted nipples, fat over suprapubic area and labia majora, fat pads over buttocks; hypotonia Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.432, 2001 Carpenter syndrome – single palmar crease Am J Med Genet 28:311-324, 1987 Carvajal syndrome – striate palmoplantar keratoderma with woolly hair and cardiomyopathy Bolognia p.757, 2003 Cerebro-hepato-renal syndrome (Zellweger syndrome) – single palmar crease Am J Med Genet 22:419-426, 1985 CHILD syndrome – congenital hemidysplasia, ichthyosis, limb defects, ichthyosiform erythroderma with verruciform xanthoma, linear red waxy scaling eruptions, and hypopigmented bands Ped Derm 15:360-366, 1998; xanthomatous pattern Dermatologica 180:263-266, 1990; AD 123:503-509, 1987 Chromosome deletion Xp22.1 – Gazali-Temple syndrome JAAD 31:680-682, 1994

vs. Adams-Oliver syndrome Aicardi syndrome Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita Goltz syndrome

Cohen syndrome – single palmar crease J Med Genet 17:430-432, 1980 Congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium – linear hyperpigmentaion Am J Med Genet 126A:89-92, 2004 Congenital ichthyosiform dermatosis with linear keratotic flexural papules and sclerosing palmoplantar keratoderma AD 125:103-106, 1989 Conradi-Hünermann syndrome – linear hyperkeratotic bands with diffuse erythema and scale, follicular atrophoderma, hypochromic areas, scalp alopecia Ped Derm 15:299-303, 1998; AD 127:539-542, 1991; Hum Genet 53:65-73, 1979 Cornelia de Lange syndrome – single palmar flexion crease; specific facies, hypertrichosis of forehead, face, back, shoulders, and extremities, synophrys; long delicate eyelashes, cutis marmorata, skin around eyes and nose with bluish tinge, red nose Ped Derm 19:42-45, 2002; Rook p.428, 1998, Sixth Edition; JAAD 37:295-297, 1997; Am J Med Genet 20:453-459, 1985 Costello syndrome – linear deep palmar creases; warty papules around nose and mouth, legs, perianal skin; loose skin of neck, hands, and feet; acanthosis nigricans; low set protuberant ears, thick palmoplantar surfaces, gingival hyperplasia, hypoplastic nails, moderately short stature, craniofacial abnormalities, hyperextensible fingers, sparse curly hair, perianal and vulvar papules, diffuse hyperpigmentation, generalized hypertrichosis, multiple nevi Ped Derm 20:447-450, 2003; JAAD 32:904-907, 1995; Am J Med Genet 47:176-183, 1993; Aust Paediat J 13:114-118, 1977 Craniodystosis with extremity bands Delleman-Oorthys syndrome Downs’ syndrome (trisomy 21) – Simean crease Syndromes of the Head and Neck, p.35, 1990 EEC syndrome – linear cleft; p63 mutation BJD 146:216-220, 2002 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome types I, II, and III – linear scars Rook p.2034, 1998, Sixth Edition Encephalocranial lipomatosis – linear yellow papules of forehead extending to eyelids; ophthalmologic manifestations; seizures, mental retardation; mandibular or maxillary ossifying fibromas and odontomas Ped Derm 22:206-209, 2005; hairless, pink to yellow tumors of scalp in linear configuration; atrophic hairless patches of scalp and face Ped Derm 10:164-168, 1993 Epidermodysplasia verruciformis BJD 121:463-469, 1989; Arch Dermatol Res 278:153-160, 1985 Fabry’s disease – punctate and linear angiectasis AD 131:81-86, 1995; linear perioral telangiectasias AD 126:1655-1656, 1990 Faciogenitopopliteal (popliteal-pterygium) syndrome – linear fibrous cord of leg with ulcer AD 124:1443-1444, 1988 Familial transverse nasal hyperpigmentation J Hered 65:157-159, 1974 Glucagonoma syndrome – linear band along waistband Rook p.2728, 1998, Sixth Edition; AD 133:909, 912, 1997; JAAD 12:1032-1039, 1985; Ann Intern Med 91:213-215, 1979 Goldenhaar syndrome – multiple linear accessory tragi JAAD 50:S11-13, 2004

Goltz’s syndrome (focal dermal hypoplasia) – en coup desabre lesions, linear alopecia, linear hypopigmented streaks Cutis 53:309-312, 1994; JAAD 25:879-881, 1991 Hallermann-Streiff syndrome – linear sutural alopecia, partial anodontia, short stature, atrophy and telangiectasia of central face, parrot-like appearance, microphthalmia, cataracts, high-arched palate, small mouth JAAD 50:644, 2004 Hereditary bullous acrokeratotic poikiloderma (Weary) – Kindler’s syndrome? – pseudoainhum and sclerotic bands Int J Dermatol 36:529-533, 1997 Hereditary familial hypertrophic neuropathy – thickened nerves Ghatan p.257, 2002, Second Edition Hereditary sclerosing poikiloderma – generalized poikiloderma; sclerosis of palms and soles; linear hyperkeratotic and sclerotic bands in flexures of arms and legs AD 125:103-106, 1989; AD 100:413-422, 1969 Hunter’s syndrome – linear ridges and plaques, linear papules AD 131:81-86, 1995 Hypereosinophilic syndrome in AIDS JAAD 23:202-204, 1990 Hyper-IgE syndrome with coarse facial features – linear scars JAAD 11:653-660, 1984 Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with immune deficiency of Zonana; NEMO mutation; linear hyperpigmentation Am J Hum Genet 67:1555-1562, 2000 Hypophosphatemic vitamin D-resistant rickets, precocious puberty, and epidermal nevus syndrome AD 133:1557-1561, 1997 Ichthyosis follicularis with atrichia and photophobia (IFAP) Am J Med Genet 85:365-368, 1999 Incontinentia pigmenti – linear hypopigmented streaks on legs of women, stage IV AD 139:1163-1170, 2003; Ped Derm 19:550-552, 2002; AD 112:535-542, 1976; linear warty lesions of palms in late incontinentia pigmenti BJD 143:1102-1103, 2000 KID syndrome – keratosis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome – linear hyperkeratosis of flexures, elbows, knees; linear hyperkeratotic erythema; fine granular palmoplantar keratoderma Ped Derm 19:285-292, 2002; BJD 122:689-697, 1990 Keratosis linearis with ichthyosis congenita and sclerosing keratoderma (KLICK syndrome) – autosomal recessive BJD 153:461, 2005; Acta DV (Stockh) 77:225-227, 1997; AD 125:103-106, 1989 Keratosis palmoplantaris striata Linear atrophoderma of Moulin Eur J Dermatol 10:611-613, 2000 Lipoid proteinosis – string of pearls along eyelid margin Marfan’s syndrome – striae Microphthalmia with linear skin defects syndrome (MLS syndrome) (microphthalmia, dermal aplasia, and sclerocornea (MIDAS) syndrome) (Xp microdeletion syndrome) – X-linked dominant; atrophic linear scars of face and neck; linear red atrophic skin (resembles aplasia cutis); linear skin defects of head and neck (congenital smooth muscle hamartomas) Am J Med Genet 124A:202-208, 2004; Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.466-467, 2001; Ped Derm 14:26-30, 1997; Am J Med Genet 49:229-234, 1994 Muir-Torre syndrome – linear sebaceous adenoma AD 133:97-102, 1997 Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis Cutis 34:78-80, 1984 Neurofibromatosis Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome; may be with comedones Dermatol 200:299-302, 2000; JAAD 20:973-978, 1989; JAAD 15:1023-1030, 1986; BJD 113:365, 1985;

AD 100:187-190, 1969; BJD 74:20-23, 1962; Arch Dermatol Syphilol 65:471, 1952 Olmsted syndrome – follicular hyperkeratosis of buttocks and knees; follicular papules;intertrigo, mutilating palmoplantar keratoderma, linear streaky hyperkeratosis, leukokeratosis of the tongue, sparse hair anteriorly JAAD 53:S266-272, 2005; Eur J Derm 13:524-528, 2003; Semin Derm 14:145-151, 1995; JAAD 10:600-610, 1984; Am J Dis Child 33:757-764, 1927; linear lesions in flexures Ped Derm 21:603-605, 2004; Ped Derm 20:323-326, 2003; BJD 136:935-938, 1997; AD 132:797-800, 1996; AD 131:738-739, 1995 Pachydermoperiostosis – primary (Touraine-Solente-Gole syndrome) – autosomal dominant – linear folds and furrow of forehead and cheeks, heavy thick eyelids, cutis verticis gyrata; thick skin of hands and feet; palmoplantar hyperhidrosis; enlarged hands JAAD 31:947-953, 1994; JAAD 31:947-953, 1994; Medicine 70:208-214, 1991; AD 124:1831-1834, 1988; secondary – pulmonary disease, lung cancer, carcinoma of stomach, esophagus, thymus Patau’s syndrome (trisomy 13) – simian crease of hand, loose skin of posterior neck, parieto-occipital scalp defects, abnormal helices, low-set ears, hyperconvex narrow nails, polydactyly Ped Derm 22:270-275, 2005; Rook p.3016, 1998, Sixth Edition Poikiloderma congenitale – linear atrophic lesions AD 44:345-348, 1941 Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia with linear epidermal nevi Proteus syndrome – linear hypopigmented, linear hyperpigmentation, linear hyperpigmented epidermal nevi JAAD 25:377-383, 1991; Ped Derm 5:14-21, 1988 Pseudoxanthoma elasticum – linear and reticulated yellow papules and plaques JAAD 42:324-328, 2000; Dermatology 199:3-7, 1999; AD 124:1559, 1988; PXE and acrosclerosis Proc Roy Soc Med 70:567-570, 1977; horizontal and vertical linear chin creases JAAD 48:620-622, 2003 Restrictive dermopathy – rigid skin with linear ulcers Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.150, 2001 Reticulolinear aplasia cutis congenita of the face and neck – Xp deletion syndrome, MIDAS (microphthalmia, dermal aplasia, sclerocornea), MLS (microphthalmia and linear skin defects), and Gazali-Temple syndrome; lethal in males; residual facial scarring in females, short stature, organ malformations BJD 138:1046-1052, 1998 Rudiger syndrome – thick single palmar crease; somatic retardation, flexion contractures of hands, small fingers and nails, ureterovesical stenosis, micropenis, inguinal hernias, coarse facies, cleft soft palate J Pediatr 79:977-981, 1971 Sakati syndrome – patchy alopecia with atrophic skin above ears, submental linear scars, acrocephalopolysyndactyly, short limbs, congenital heart disease, abnormally shaped low-set ears, ear tag, short neck with low hairline J Pediatr 79:104-109, 1971 Steatocystoma multiplex of the nose Ped Derm 17:136-138, 2000 Sly syndrome Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome Clin Pediatr 16:665-668, 1977 Tricho-odonto onycho-ectodermal dysplasia (linear dermal hypoplasia) – hypotrichosis, hypodontia, focal linear dermal hypoplasia of the tip of the nose, irregular hyperpigmentation of the back, bilateral amastia and athelia, nerve hearing loss AD 122:1047-1053, 1986 Tuberous sclerosis – facial plaque (angiofibroma) Wells’ syndrome

Arsenical keratoses Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome – L-tryptophan Smoker’s face – increased facial lines

Abrasions Babinski sign, cutaneous Beau’s lines Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.505, 2001; Rook p.2828, 1998, Sixth Edition Burns – chemical, thermal, ultraviolet Child abuse – linear scratches, purpura JAAD 5:203-212, 1981 Collier’s stripes Coma bullae – linear bullae Cutis 69:265-268, 2002; JAAD 38:1-17, 1998 Dermatographism Rook p.2128, 1998, Sixth Edition Diving suits – linear abrasions Drug abuse (IVDA) Forceps marks of face Eichenfeld p.106, 2001 Frictional changes Habit tic deformity of the nail Hypertrophic scar Lip fissure (median lip fissure) Oral Surg 72:10-14, 1991 Lightning strike – Lichtenberg figures (fronding) – fern leaf pattern NEJM 343:1536, 2000 Post-traumatic scar Radiation dermatitis Ann DV 127:198-200, 2000 Sports-related scars – karate scars Cutis 67:499-500, 2001 Swimming pool palms – linear red plaques JAAD 27:111, 1992 Traumatic tattoos

Acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy Acute leg edema – stria-like distension of skin AD 138:641-642, 2002 Angioma serpiginosum APACHE (acral pseudolymphomatous angiokeratoma of children) – linear scaly red papules of hand BJD 145:512-514, 2001 Arborizing telangiectasia – thighs and calves Rook p.2092, 1998, Sixth Edition Arteriosclerosis – ischemic ulcers at pressure sites; linear fissure of heel Rook p.2229, 2231, 1998, Sixth Edition Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita – linear erosions at birth BJD 137:119-122, 1997; JAAD 20:1098-1104, 1989; AD 118:895-899, 1982 Generalized essential telangiectasia – familial or acquired Rook p.2096, 1998, Sixth Edition; JAAD 37:321-325, 1997; JAMA 185:909-913, 1963 Hemangioma, proliferative – linear vascular papules Eyelid and Conjunctival Tumors, Shields JA and Shields CL, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins p.111, 1999 Henoch-Schönlein purpura Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu disease) Rook p.2091, 1998, Sixth Edition; Am J Med 82:989-997, 1987

Lymphangioma circumscriptum Mondor’s disease – superficial periphlebitis of the chest wall JAAD 23:1-18, 1990 Pigmented purpuric eruption – linear variant; lichen aureus AD 124:1572, 1988 Polyarteritis nodosa Sinus pericranii – linear blue plaque of central face JAAD 46:934-941, 2002 Temporal arteritis Thrombophlebitis, superficial or deep Vasculitis, including leukocytoclastic vasculitis Rook p.131, 1998, Sixth Edition Verrucous hemangioma JAAD 42:516-518, 2000 Vibex – linear traumatic purpura

Eccrine nevus with comedones AD 117:357-359, 1981 Epidermal nevi with scattered open comedones Linear basal cell nevus with comedones Linear lichen planopilaris Nevus comedonicus Palmar and plantar lesions of porokeratotic eccrine ostial and dermal duct nevus Unilateral punctate porokeratosis

Behçet’s disease Bullous pemphigoid Darier’s disease Dermatitis herpetiformis Eruptive xanthomas JAAD 33:834-5, 1995 Erythema multiforme Lichen niditus Lichen planus Mastocytosis Molluscum contagiosum Pellagra Pityriasis rubra pilaris Psoriasis Pyoderma gangrenosum Vasculitis Verruca vulgaris Vitiligo

Collagen vascular diseases – linear hyperpigmentation overlying veins JAAD 29:1039-1040, 1993 Lupus erythematosus – supravenous hyperpigmentation JAAD 43:540-546, 2000

Relapsing polychondritis – superficial thrombophlebitis Rook p.2042, 1998, Sixth Edition; Medicine 55:193-216, 1976 Rheumatoid arthritis – erythema, papules, and/or hyperpigmentation JAAD 29:1039-1040, 1993 Scleroderma – supravenous erythema, papules, and/or hyperpigmentation; pigment retention over superficial blood vessels in area of depigmentation JAAD 11:265-268, 1984

Sinus pericranii – alopecic red or blue nodule of scalp with outline of underlying veins within the nodule JAAD 46:934-941, 2002

Actinomycin and vincristine JAAD 43:540-546, 2000 Bromodeoxyuridine – linear supravenous papules and erythema JAAD 43:540-546, 2000; AD 122:199-200, 1986 Corticosteroids – post-steroid injection atrophy and/or hypopigmentation along draining lymphatics Cyclophosphamide JAAD 43:540-546, 2000 CHOP therapy JAAD 43:540-546, 2000 Docataxel – supravenous hyperpigmentation BJD 142:1069-1070, 2000 Doxorubicin JAAD 43:540-546, 2000; supravenous urticaria (3%) Cancer Treatment Reports 63:2027-2069, 1979; Cancer Chemotherapy Reports 59:1177-1179, 1975 5-fluorouracil – erythema or pigmentation overlying veins JAAD 53:529-530, 2005; JAAD 43:540-546, 2000; JAAD 39:839-842, 1998; AD 129:644-645, 1993; JAAD 25:905, 1991 Fotemustine – pigmentation overlying veins JAAD 39:839-842, 1998 Minocycline – supravenous hyperpigmentation of veins previously treated with sclerotherapy JAAD 44:342-347, 2001 Mitomycin – papules JAAD 43:540-546, 2000 Polychemotherapy – pigmentation overlying veins JAAD 39:839-842, 1998 Triazinate – pigmentation overlying veins JAAD 39:839-842, 1998 Vinblastine JAAD 43:540-546, 2000 Vinorelbine – pigmentation overlying veins JAAD 39:839-842, 1998

Sclerotherapy with necrosis J Derm Surg Oncol 15:214-219, 1989

Bacterial lymphangitis Cellulitis with lymphangitis Dermatophyte cellulitis in saphenous vein surgical site Ghatan p.255, 2002, Second Edition Herpes simplex with lymphangitis Insect bite within vein Lyme disease – lymphangitic streaking JAAD 49:363-392, 2003

Lymphogranuloma venereum – lymphangitis Int J Dermatol 15:26-33, 1976; Br J Vener Dis 49:193-202, 1973 Parvovirus B19 – lymphangitis Ped Derm 20:184-186, 2003

Amyloidosis – primary systemic; cord-like thickening of blood vessels Rook p.2633, 1998, Sixth Edition; vascular amyloid in vessels JAAD 15:379-382, 1986; primary systemic amyloid presenting as dilated veins Am J Med 109:174-175, 2000

Eosinophilic fasciitis – groove sign (sunken veins) JAAD 17:648-656, 1987 Sarcoid – presenting as thrombophlebitis Clin J Exp Dermatol 10:592-594, 1985

Homocystinuria – cystathionine-beta synthase deficiency – superficial thrombophlebitis; marfanoid habitus, malar rash, larger facial pores, livedo reticularis, tissue paper scars, sparse fine hair JAAD 46:161-183, 2002; JAAD 40:279-281, 1999 Hyperparathyroidism – calcinosis with venulitis Liver disease – cirrhosis; caput medusae – portal obstruction Rook p.2724, 1998, Sixth Edition

Carcinoma telangiectoides Kaposi’s sarcoma – HIV; hyperalgesic pseudothrombophlebitis Ghatan p.255, 2002, Second Edition Metastases – lymphangitic spread of tumor

Thrombophlebitis migrans (Trousseau’s sign) – superficial and deep venous thromboses of neck, trunk, or extremities; strong association with internal malignancy Int J Derm 23:205-206, 1984; Cutis 21:763-768, 1978; Circulation 22:780, 1960

Phytophotodermatitis mimicking superficial lymphangitis – supravenous erythema BJD 142:1069-1070, 2000

Generalized lipodystrophy – prominence of veins on extremities AD 124:571-576, 1988 Idiopathic Vitiligo – overlying varicose veins

Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome – thrombophlebitis Semin Arthritis Rheum 31:127-132, 2001; JAAD 36:149-168, 1997; JAAD 36:970-982, 1997; Clin Rheumatol 15:394-398, 1996; South Med J 88:786-788, 1995; BJD 120:419-429, 1989 Behçet’s syndrome – superficial thrombophlebitis Semin Arthritis Rheum 27:197-217, 1998

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type IV – prominent venous pattern Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.459, 2001

Eosinophilic myalgia syndrome – supravenular groove

Intravenous drug abuse (IVDA) – supravenous hyperpigmentation; thrombophlebitis; septic phlebitis BJD 150:1-10, 2004; thrombosed veins, ulcerated needle tracks, thrombosis of veins, carbon tattoos Rook p.926, 1998, Sixth Edition; foreign body granulomas secondary to intravenous drug abuse JAAD 13:869-872, 1985

Arborizing telangiectasia – thighs and calves Rook p.2092, 1998, Sixth Edition Arteriovenous malformation with unilateral varices – congenital or acquired; red pulsating nodules with overlying telangiectasia – extremities, head, neck, trunk Rook p.2237, 1998, Sixth Edition Arteriovenous shunt, iatrogenic Caput medusae – portal obstruction Rook p.2724, 1998, Sixth Edition Hypertrichosis, linear overlying thrombophlebitis AD 124:30-31, 1988 Lymphangiothrombosis Rook p.2294, 1998, Sixth Edition Lymphangitis – chemical, thermal, infectious Rook p.2293, 1998, Sixth Edition Mondor’s disease – localized thrombophlebitis of veins or lymphatics of chest wall (thoracic-epigastric and/or lateral thoracic) (also, lower leg) with or without linear depressions ad 141:880-881, 2005; JAAD 49:905-906, 2003; JAAD 40:636-638, 1994; Acta Chir Scand 149:33-334, 1983; Mem Acad Chir Paris 65:1271, 1939; Guy’s Hosp Rep Lond 15 (series 3) 302, 1869-1870; may be caused by drug abuse Arch Surg 125:807-808, 1990; jellyfish sting Med J Aust 157:836-837, 1992; drug-induced lupus erythematosus Rook p.3161, 1998, Sixth Edition; hypercoagulable state JAAD 23:1-18, 1990; associated with breast cancer Surgery 103:438-439, 1988; association with lipoma Dermatol Surg 25:563-565, 1999 Multiple progressive angioma – blue compressible nodules on face of children or teenagers; may be distributed along vein Acta DV (Stockh) 31:304-307, 1951 Non-venereal sclerosing lymphangitis of the penis JAAD 49:916-918, 2003; Urology 127:987-988, 1982; BJD 104:607-695, 1981 Phlebectasia congenita (Bockenheimer’s syndrome) BJD 116:602-603, 1987 Pigmented purpuric eruption – lichen aureus AD 124:1572-1574, 1988 Polyarteritis nodosa, cutaneous Ghatan p.255, 2002, Second Edition Sunburst varicosities and telangiectasia J Derm Surg Oncol 15:184-190, 1989

Superficial lymphangitis with overlying papular and vesicular interface dermatitis following injury Dermatology 203:217-220, 2001 Superficial migratory thrombophlebitis – linear or oval tender red nodules of the legs, abdomen, arms JAAD 45:163-183, 2001; JAAD 23:975-985, 1990 Superior vena cava syndrome Temporal arteritis – linear erythema over temples Arch Surg 1:323-329, 1890 Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger’s disease) – recurrent venous thrombosis with supravenous erythema Rook p.2233, 1998, Sixth Edition; Am J Med Sci 136:567-580, 1908 Thrombophlebitis, superficial, deep Varicosities Rook p.2250, 1998, Sixth Edition; Br Med J 300:763-764, 1990 Vascular malformation with underlying disappearing bone (Gorham-Stout disease) – skin-colored papulovesicles along a vein JAMA 289:1479-1480, 2003


Allergic contact dermatitis Lupus erythematosus – discoid lupus erythematosus Rook p.2444-2449, 1998, Sixth Edition; NEJM 269:1155-1161, 1963

Fixed drug eruption Polychemotherapy for metastasizing ovarian carcinoma G. Ital Dermatol Venereol 124:77-83, 1989 Quinidine photolichenoid dermatitis

Amalgam tattoo Bismuth Magnesium Silver (argyria) Tattoo Rook p.3146, 1998, Sixth Edition

AIDS-associated labial lentigo Tyring p.371, 2002

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

Addison’s disease Vitamin B1 and B2 deficiencies JAAD 15:1263-1264, 1986