Contents 19.1 Introduction on Food Microstructure .............................................................................335 19.2 Main Microscopy Strategies for Studying the Structure of Muscle Foods .......................337 19.3 Th e Muscle Structure of Meat ........................................................................................ 346 19.4 Infl uence of Postmortem Processing on Meat Microstructure ........................................ 348 19.5 Infl uence of Processing on Meat Microstructure .............................................................350 19.6 Microstructure of Model Systems Based in Meat Components .......................................351 References ................................................................................................................................351

19.1 Introduction on Food Microstructure Th e chemical components of a food are organized into a characteristic microscopic pattern thatconstitutes its microstructure. Th e food’s microstructure is currently being presented as a new challenge in multidisciplinary studies of foods and a way of contributing to our understanding of scientifi c and technological progress.