Zeng and Hu (1991) described some Late Cretaceous nonmarine operculae, and McLean (1981, Figure 14) illustrated an Australian Early Devonian, Lilydale Limestone Liomphalus with its operculum in place. Gubanov and Yochelson (1994) described an operculate Wenlockian Australonema from Siberia, and Kase and Maeda (1980) described the Early Cretaceous neritacean Hayamia rex (Plate 35, Figure 10) with its operculum in place. Majima (1984) described some Miocene and Mio-Pliocene naticid species (seven) with operculae in place, and Tomida and Ozawa (1996) described Late Miocene and Early Pliocene Japanese Turbo (Lunatica) operculae.