Tranylcypromine, phenelzine, and related drugs have caused severe hypertension following the ingestion of tyramine containing food and drugs such as meperidine, dextromethorphan, phenylpropranolamine, stimulants, and other antidepressants. In the presence of monoamine oxidase inhibitors or isoniazid, the amino acid tyramine present in beer, wine, aged cheese, and other fermented foods can cause hypertension. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors enhance the effects of hypoglycemic drugs. Caffeine, aminophylline and are used for the treatment of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and apnea. Dyphylline is the 7- dihydroxypropyl derivative of theophylline. Drugs with a significant record of hepatic damage should not be used over prolonged periods without close supervision. Avoid administration of these drugs with other stimulant drugs, ephedra, or related alkaloids such as those contained in non-prescription medicines and herbal products advertised as anti-obesity or energy treatments. Picrotoxin is a non-nitrogenous compound of known structure obtained from cocculus indicus, the berry of Anamirta cocculus, an East Indian plant.