Absorbable compounds of barium such as the carbonate, hydroxide, or chloride are used in pesticides. The sulfide is sometimes used in depilatories for external application. The principal manifestations of barium poisoning are tremors, convulsions, and cardiac arrhythmias plus hypokalemia. The principal manifestations of acute fluoroacetate poisoning from ingestion or inhalation are vomiting and convulsions. The principal manifestations of nicotine poisoning are respiratory stimulation and gastrointestinal hyperactivity. Thallium has been used as a rodenticide and an ant killer. Its use as a pesticide is prohibited in some countries. Poisoning has most frequently resulted from the accidental ingestion of thallium rodent or ant baits, which consisted of thallium sulfate or acetate mixed with grain, cookie crumbs, cracker crumbs, honey, or sweetened water. The principal manifestation of acute poisoning with the thiocyanate insecticides is convulsions. The principal manifestations of paraquat poisoning are gastrointestinal distress and respiratory distress and cyanosis.