Collagen (k o l '2 - je n ) The supportive protein component of connective tissue, bone, cartilage, and skin; converted into gelatin by boiling,

collagenase (ko-laj'e-nas) An enzyme that promotes the breakdown of collagen,

collagen diseases (kol'a-jen di-zez'es) A group of diseases having in common such histologic features as inflammatory damage to connective tissues and blood vessels with deposition of fibrinoid material; included in this group are such disorders as systemic lupus ery them atosus, po lyarteritis nodosa, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, and rheumatoid arthritis. Also called connective tissue diseases,

collagenosis (ko-laj-e-no'sis) Collagen diseases, collapse (ko-laps) 1. A state of extreme prostration. 2. The act of caving in.