For intermediate values of the photon number the adaptive variances should ideally be even lower [10], but the performance of our experiment is limited by finite feedback bandwidth. For signals with large mean photon number, the adaptive scheme is inferior to heterodyne because of excess technical noise in the feedback loop. As the intrinsic phase uncertainty of coherent states becomes large for very low photon numbers, the relative differences among the expected variances for adaptive, heterodyne, and ideal estimation become small. Accordingly, we have been unable to beat the heterodyne limit for phase estimation variances with adaptive homodyne measurement for mean photon numbers N & 8. (Note that all theoretical curves in Fig. 1(a) correspond

FIG. 1 (color). Experimental results from the adaptive and heterodyne measurements. (a) Adaptive (blue circles) and heterodyne (red crosses) phase estimate variance vs pulse photon number. The blue dash-dotted line is a second order curve through the adaptive data, to guide the eye. The thin lines are the theoretical curves for heterodyne detection with (solid) and without (dotted) corrections for detector electronic noise. The thick solid line denotes the fundamental quantum uncertainty limit, given our overall photodetection efficiency. (b) Phase-estimator distributions for adaptive (blue circles) and heterodyne (red crosses) measurements, for pulses with mean photon number 2:5. (c) Polar plot showing the variance of adaptive phase estimates (blue dots) for different signal phases (mean photon number 50). The solid blue line is a linear fit to the data. The double red lines indicate the 1 scatter for our heterodyne data, averaged over initial phase.