In the last decade, an increasing number of research groups in academia and industry focused their research efforts on thermoplastic and thermoset polymer-layered silicate, polymer/silica hybrid, and polymer/nanoparticle (metal oxides, nanotubes, etc.) nanocomposites. This considerable scientic and engineering interest has been stimulated by the possibility of the signicant improvements in physical, chemical, mechanical, thermal, and other important properties of nanocomposite materials. The results of these studies, especially on polymer/silicate nanocomposites were summarized and discussed in several reviews [1-6] and books [7-9]. Polymer/silicate systems are a class of organicinorganic hydrides, composed of organic polymer matrix, in which layered silicate particles of nanoscale dimension are embedded owing to which these nanocomposites show enchased mechanical properties [10-14], gas barrier properties [15-18], and improved


4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 87 4.2 Functionalization of Polyolens ........................................................................................90