This chapter focuses on applications of HILIC in clinical diagnostics and clinical research analyzing human clinical samples. Applications in animal studies will not be included. Use of HILIC for pharmaceutical analysis will also not be covered, although human samples may be used in these assays. The unique characteristics of

9.1 Characteristics of Clinical Samples and Clinical Analysis .......................... 178 9.2 Clinical Applications of HILIC .................................................................... 179

9.2.1 Sample Preparation and Concentration ............................................ 179 9.2.2 Biomarker Pro“ling .......................................................................... 179 9.2.3 Quantitation of Speci“c Analytes ..................................................... 180 Serum/Plasma .................................................................... 180 Urine .................................................................................. 186 Breath Condensate ............................................................. 190

References .............................................................................................................. 191

clinical samples and clinical analysis will be discussed. HILIC applications in three categories will then be introduced. These include sample preparation and concentration, biomarker pro“ling, and quantitation of speci“c analytes. Examples encompassing applications in a diverse array of sample types such as plasma, urine, tissue, and breath condensate will be given. A comparison will be made between the HILIC method and other methods when applicable.