As our world expands at an unprecedented speed from the physical into the virtual, we can conveniently collect more and more data in any ways one can imagine for various reasons. Is it “The more, the merrier (better)”? The answer is “Yes” and “No.” It is “Yes” because we can at least get what we might need. It is also “No” because, when it comes to a point of too much, the existence of inordinate data is tantamount to non-existence if there is no means of effective data access. More can mean less. Without the processing of data, its mere existence would not become a useful asset that can impact our business, and many other matters. Since continued data accumulation is inevitable, one way out is to devise data selection techniques to keep pace with the rate of data collection. Furthermore, given the sheer volume of data, data generated by computers or equivalent mechanisms must be processed automatically, in order for us to tame the data monster and stay in control.