Signage is constituted by a multiplicity of signs that require a deep and systematic study in which, because of the quantity and diversity of symbols, their characteristics aren't always understood, sometimes causing disrespect and transference for signage. Vertical signage is constituted by several signs, classified in different categories according to their characteristics, meaning that they are constituted by signs or panels of signage transmitting a visual message, thanks to their localization, their form, colour and type, and also through symbols and alphanumeric characters (Diario da Republica Nr. 227-October 1st. 1998). Regardless of the spoken or written language, the need for a universal visual communication language is underlined as fundamental. Symbols' usage to represent touristic attractions is a decisive step in that direction. The level of demand in infom1ation transmission through pictograms compels to conceive concise signs, simple, rapidly understandable; to achieve this we have to search for elementary graphic structures, to be easily perceived. Generally, conceptual models (having in mind the conception of pictograms) must present information in a simple and clear way, limiting possible ambiguities. It happens that signage systems developed for information (in the tourism area or in traffic), are often empirically conceived and, most of the times, disrespecting the rules already contemplated by law, originating multiple, incoherent and illegible systems, thus making difficult their decoding. For the present research project a concrete problem was identified: the sign systems for tourism information in Europe, and in the entire world, are totally different from one another, having no graphic relationship, being incoherent from the graphic point of view: there isn't a normalized system. Strategically, there is a concrete answer in the communication design, to obtain research methodologies applied to the conception of symbols for tourism information. So, design harnesses innovation and differentiation, creating concrete answers to an identified problem. Design projects different objects or means of communication for human use, being a discipline or activity that is intimately related with the conception, planning and production of signage equipment. The main aim of this research is to contribute for the reflection and knowledge in the signage design area (as a discipline of the communication design), trying to conceive a valuable tool for the conception of specific sign systems for tourism information, designing uniform sign systems which may help to evolve not only designers but multidisciplinary teams, communicating clear and unequivocal messages for the user.