Though the activity of conducting an audit is primarily designed to meas ure the performance of a facility in relation to issues that are within the scope of the audit, an audit can also be used as a training tool. The audit content can be used as both a meas ure ment of performance and an opportunity to instruct facility personnel on ways in which compliance can be achieved. Text bubbles that provide instructive information were discussed in Chapter 8 on the physical construction of the audit protocol. Utilizing the audit as a training tool is an expansion on the concept of using such information within the process of executing an audit. This can be accomplished by implementing the following:

• Identify who is a potential target for training • Take advantage of teachable moments • Exercise good interpersonal communication skills • Train in the classroom and on the ¡oor

The auditor will come into contact with a number of individuals throughout the process of conducting an audit. This might include the following individuals, depending on the type and environment of the audit:

• Plant manager • Safety manager • Security manager • Shift managers • Human resources manager • Maintenance manager • Procurement manager • Finance manager • Department supervisors • Employees • Contractors • Fire chief • Fire of˜cers • Training of˜cer • Fire˜ghters

Due to the size of this list, the auditor will need to exercise discretion as to which individuals should be targeted for training. Training cannot be effectively conducted among such a large population if everyone is considered to be a target. The auditor will need to identify a small list of people that could bene˜t from such an opportunity. The auditor can begin with identifying the individual who is primarily responsible for the material covered within the scope of the audit. This might include:

• Safety audit: Safety manager • Security audit: Security manager • Fire audit: Safety manager, training of˜cer

Once the person who is primarily responsible for the material covered by the audit has been identi˜ed, the auditor can then prioritize a small list of a few individuals that are most closely connected with issues that impact the success of items covered within the scope of the audit. This might include:

• Maintenance manager: Responsible for the implementation of many programs and projects that are covered by the audit.