The traditional method of back injury prevention has always been to train workers in how to lift properly when, in fact, the emphasis should be on educating them on risk identification and problem solving. A common safety poster illustrates a worker lifting a box from floor level, while being reminded to bend the knees and keep the back straight. This approach does not address the root cause of the hazard-the need to manually lift the box from floor level. While training has always been the first line of defense for employers because it is quick, inexpensive, and can be conducted in any environment, training alone is ineffective in back injury prevention (Daltroy, et al., 1997; Zwcrling, et al., 1997). As injuries continue, the worker is blamed for not lifting properly and more training is prescribed. Given this, State Compensation Insurance Fund, set out to develop an interactive, computer-based DVD-ROM which guides the user through the process of planning, risk factor identification, implementation and effectiveness of controls (cost benefit), training, and follow-up.