Information and communication technology (reT) is seen as a prominent bridge for the gap between the needs of social and health care services and their diminishing resources. Middle management and immediate superiors are involved in the responsibility for improving the use, development and implementation of leT systems. The aim of this study is to identify how the middle management and immediate superiors in social and health care use leT in their supervisory duties, and what their experiences are of the use and development of leT based services. The preliminary results draw a draft picture of leT use and core task fit. They also

Keywords: Immediate Superior, Leadership, Information and Communication Tcchnology, Well-being, Social and Hcalth Care

In Nordic welfare states, demand for social and health carc scrvices has changed greatly in recent years. The availability, quality, and cost efficiency of public services facc a difficult challenge due to the ageing population, the diminishing availability of labour, and a troubled economy. It has been claimed that the solution to these problems is in the innovativeness of employees. Service innovations can be found in organizations with experienced, motivated and proficient employees working in a positive atmosphere under a supportive management. It has also been emphasized that leadership is a key factor in stimulating workers towards more innovative work behaviour.