Editor’s note: Many factors impact the cleaning options available to components manufacturers. ¤e situation with the benzotri¯uorides illustrates the impact of overall business plans of chemical producers. As the First Edition of Handbook for Critical Cleaning was going to press, Occidental Chemical, the U.S. producer of benzotri¯uorides, announced its intention to exit the market, ceasing production of parachlorobenzotri¯uoride (PCBTF) and o¥ering the business for sale. In 2002, the Israeli company, Makhteshim Agan Industries, purchased the entire OXSOL business from Occidental Chemical Corporation. PCBTF from China and Brazil is still available. While the current uses in critical cleaning are relatively limited, PCBTF remains a valid option for cleaning applications. For that reason, we are re-printing Mr. Skelly’s chapter in this book.