Vapor phase solvent cleaning has been a mainstay in the metal processing industries since the early 1940s. Its popularity was driven by the ability to quickly remove organics such as oils, greases, lubricants, coolants, and resins in a single step. ¤e part, at ambient temperature, is lowered into a solvent vapor. ¤e vapor, hotter than the part, condenses on the part and dissolves the organics. In some protocols, a cleaning or washing step occurs where the part is immersed in the solvent with or without ultrasonics. ¤is is followed by additional cleaning/rinsing in solvent vapor. ¤e part is then withdrawn to the freeboard area where the solvent evaporates from the part, leaving it clean, spot free, and dry. A vapor degreaser as shown in Figure 25.1 was inexpensive to own and operate.