Abstract .................................................................................................................222 15.1 Introduction .................................................................................................222 15.2 Palakkad-The Rice Granary of Kerala .....................................................224 15.3 Participatory Stakeholder Analysis .............................................................227 15.4 Stakeholder Preference for Enterprise-Mix ..............................................227 15.5 Proposed Interventions to Enhance Agricultural Production ......................231 15.6 Conclusion ..................................................................................................234 Keywords ..............................................................................................................235 References .............................................................................................................235

Diversity in the microenvironment imposes severe limitations to introduce a plan for the farming systems. A systematic assessment of physical, social and economic factors is necessary to encourage and assist land users in selecting sustainable options that increase their productivity and meet the needs of society. Information at the microlevel is required to design sustainable land use models and technologies. This chapter outlines an attempt taken up through stakeholder participatory approach on an agro-ecological unit basis. It deliberates on approaches to identify the constraints and potential in farming and suggest broad agricultural development plans, in Kerala. A SWOT analysis of the agricultural production systems indicated wide variations in the physical, sociopolitical, human and financial endowments. The projects on agriculture implemented by the local bodies were often found to lack comprehensiveness and integrated nature. Specific agro-ecological unit based interventions with respect to crop, livestock production and other agro-related enterprises and spatial integration of crop is warranted. Integration of other line departments and major programs like NREGS under the aegis of Krishibhavans with the support of local bodies is suggested as the strategy for the development of agriculture in Palakkad.