Rural Development (SARD): Process, Elements and Major Issues ...............8 1.10 Major Issues/Program for Discussion on ILUP for SARD .............................9 1.11 The Workshop Created a Platform to Address Certain Issues ......................11 Keywords ................................................................................................................12 References ...............................................................................................................12

In India, sustainable development coupled with food security and poverty alleviation of rural poor is largely dependent on agriculture and allied activities as they support livelihoods of nearly 65.8 of India’s rural population. In a developing country like India land is not only an important factor of production but also basic means of subsistence for majority of the people. Since Independence India’s planners and policy makers have shown concern for efficient use of land, water and other natural resources for accelerated as well as economic development. The questions of efficiency, equity and environment protection have been flagged in almost all Five Year Plans. The market driven land use pattern may yield higher returns in the short run, but may pose several unmanageable problems for future generations due to unplanned overexploitation of land, water and other natural resources. The past and present experiences with unplanned land use, particularly in agriculture and rural development sectors resulted in unsustainable agricultural growth and production, enhanced land degradation leading to insecure livelihoods and poverty. These challenges necessitate for scientific land use planning and land use policy in all development sectors.