This chapter describes Fibular hemimelia is the most common congenital cause of a short tibia and is a variant of a longitudinal deficiency. As such the femur is likely to be short and there may be knee and foot anomalies. In contrast, leg length discrepancy arising only from the tibia should prompt a look for specific diagnoses that typically produce this which, in early childhood. Deformity is almost always present. Trauma and infection rank highest as causes, but physeal growth can be affected through the nearby presence of osteochondromas1 and enchondromas. In the case of partial physeal arrest, the size and site of the tether indicates the likely success should an attempt at removal be undertaken. The Computed Tomography scan or Magnetic Resonance Imaging mapping is helpful. A successful excision of a physeal bridge removes the problem and terminates the process of deformity and length discrepancy.