There are two different sorts of syringe driver: the 50 ml syringe pump, frequently used for heparin, glyceryl trinitrate, and insulin infusions, and for epidural and patientcontrolled analgesia pumps; and the Graseby syringe driver, which installs a 10 ml or 20 ml syringe and is frequently used in palliative care. There are two varieties of the Graseby syringe driver: the blue Graseby MS 16A, which is designed to be programmed at an hourly rate, and the green Graseby MS 26, which is designed to be programmed at a 12, 24, or 48 hourly rate. In this station, you may be required to set up and operate a Graseby syringe driver for two drugs, e.g. diamorphine and cyclizine.