98As discussed in Section I, fresh ideas are not born ex nihilo—from nothing. All ideas are the conception or fusion from previous ideas that are considered or linked in a novel way. Chapter 2 identifies that the more people are placed at the intersection of many new ideas, the more fresh ideas, from which more likely good ideas, will be conceived. Research of idea generation rates versus population density, and especially the rise of cities, shows that denser communities become hotbeds of new thinking. It was also identified that the most creative people have well-connected neurons and well-connected relationships, actively seeking out new ideas and connections of those ideas from both their inner and outer networks. It has been concluded that the more connected staff members are across an organization, the more likely new ideas are shared and more likely that even fresher ones will emerge. This is the basis for the proximity principle of the 3 Ps. It follows that the more connected the staff of an organization are with others outside the organization, the more incoming ideas and, therefore, the more fresh ideas are generated.