The basic equations for the coordinate transformations are the same as the equations (11.1) through (11.5) for the general time-invariant nonuniform transformations,

ti = μit, μi = const. ∈ R+. (12.1)

ti = α i j

tj +

rP (tj)

, αij ∈ R+, (12.2)

tj = α j i

ti −

rP (ti)

, αji ∈ R+, (12.3)

rP (ti) = λ i j

8 rP (tj) + v

9 , λij ∈ R+, (12.4)

rP (tj) = λ j i

rP (ti)− vijitiu

, λji ∈ R+, (12.5)


q(.), w(.) ∈ R+, v(.)ji ∈ R+,

q(.)w(.) ∈ 8 c (.) (.)

92 , 8 v (.) P

92 , 8 v (.) SU

92 is permitted but not required. (12.6)

We will change only the spatial reference point. It will not be the light signal

it is by the subscript SU (for: Spatial Uniformity). This spatial uniformity is general because any point with any constant speed can be chosen and fixed for the reference point PSU . The choice of a light signal L for PSU , hence v

c (.) (.), represents a singular case. The selection of the reference point PSU to be

different from the light signal L, i.e. v(.)SU = c (.) (.), makes what follows to be

beyond Einsteinian relativity theory. The temporal transformations (12.2) and (12.3) are nonuniform due to their

dependence on the position rP t(.) of the arbitrary point P .