In the 1920s, the old quantum theory was gradually being superseded by the new quantum theory. The cornerstone of the old theory was Bohr’s model of the hydrogen atom, which predicted that an electron cannot orbit the proton in the hydrogen atom in any arbitrary fashion. Orbits are “quantized,” meaning that only certain sizes, shapes, and magnetic properties are allowed. The principal quantum number n determined the allowed radii of the orbits, the orbital quantum number l determined the allowed shapes, and the magnetic quantum number m determined the magnetic behavior. Additionally, there is a fourth quantum number s which denotes the fact that the electron has an additional angular momentum, loosely associated with self rotation about its own axis, and that is quantized in units of (1/2)~. The old quantum theory was useful to infer the existence of discrete energy levels in atoms, calculate energy spacings between these levels, and therefore allowed one to interpret atomic spectra. The new quantum theory appeared to be more revolutionary and more

powerful. It was triggered by Heisenberg’s discovery of matrix mechanics and Schro¨dinger’s discovery of wave mechanics. These two formalisms would not only predict the quantization of energy and provide a prescription to determine the energy difference between the levels (and thus explain the multiplicity of atomic spectra), but also allow one to calculate easily probabilities of transitions between different quantized energy states. At first, matrix mechanics and wave mechanics looked entirely different in their mathematical appearance and physical meaning. However, Schro¨dinger and Eckart [1] independently showed that the two theories are mathematically equivalent. Toward the end of 1926, Dirac unified the two theories using the concept of state vector and thus established the transformation theory of quantum mechanics. This ultimately had a profound implication for the quantum mechanical (mathematical) recipe to treat spin, as we will show in this chapter. The transformation theory is the mathematical recipe to handle modern

quantum mechanics. In Heisenberg’s matrix mechanics, a physical quantity is expressed by a matrix, whereas in Schro¨dinger’s wave mechanics, a physical quantity is expressed by a linear operator. In the unified transformation theory, physical quantities are represented by abstract linear operators called Dirac’s q-numbers, which are linear operators in an infinite-dimensional linear space. Depending upon which types of orthogonal coordinate systems are used in this linear space, either matrix mechanics or wave mechanics emerges.