This chapter is concerned with continuum physical and numerical modeling of free-surface and two-phase flows under the influence of surfactant. There are two general numerical model categories to describe systems comprising fluidic interfaces: Eulerian interface-capturing methods and Lagrangian interface-tracking methods. The first describe two-phase systems on a Eulerian grid by introducing an additional variable, describing the position of the interface [level-set (LS) functions] or of one of the continuous phases (color or phase-field functions). The evolution of the interface is tracked by solving a corresponding advection equation. Commonly known representatives of interface-capturing methods are volume-of-fluid (VOF) methods [1], LS methods [2], hybrid coupled LS/VOF methods [3], or diffuse-interface methods [4]. Concerning surfactant transport, all methods have been enhanced to capture insoluble or soluble surfactants [5-8].