Bouwer and Rice (1976) determined the radius of influence, R, for different values ofrw, (/-d), Hw, and musing measurements made with an electrical resistance analog model. In their electrical resistance model, the top of the aquifer was set as a boundary of constant potential (head). Therefore, their solution can be applied to both unconfined aquifers and leaky aquifers with a continuous source of leakage. From their experiments, the following empirical equation was developed for estimating R:

{ 1.1 A + B ln[(m-/)/rw]}- 1

ln(Rirw) = ln(l!rw) + (l-d)/rw (23.9)

where A and B are dimensionless coefficients which are functions of (l - d)lrw as shown in Figure 23.1. The results of the analog experiments indicated that the effect of partial penetration reaches a maximum when ln[(m -l)lrw] = 6 and this is the largest value that should be substituted for that expression (Bouwer and Rice, 1976).