As we began this book, we gave the reasons for writing it: a sincere concern about the dangers of the drug abuse epidemic taking its toll on health and productivity and even the spirit of the nation. Drug abuse is a serious matter in our society, harming families, workers, and soci­ ety. The drug underculture reeks with crime and criminal activity. For­ tunes are wasted and drug lords become rich. Even the security of our nation is weakened by the flow of money from our borders, decreased productivity, wasted lives, hopelessness, and a cycle of dependency, often involving other crimes to pay for the habit of the addict. The destruction of the minds of the young and the bodies of the old contin­ ues and increases. Workplaces are no longer places where people strive together to produce the best possible product, whether it be a piece of furniture, a building, efficient service, an enjoyable play or song, food from the farm, or the wealth of the earth and seas. Federal law, in the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, has mandated that employers and employees together work to reduce the decrease in productivity and harm to society caused by improper use of drugs.