II. Psychophysical Implications for Neural Organization ........... .412 A. Experimental Evidence for Continuous Vs.

Quadripartite Organizations of Neural Coding ............ 412 1. Taste Mixture Data ..... ... . ... .................. .413 2. Implications of Continuous and

Quadripartite Organizations for Neural Coding ............. . .................... .. ........ 416

The gustatory model commonly used today to represent the qualitative range of taste was proposed by Henning in 1916. 1 This model, which is based on the four primary tastes (sweet, sour, salty, and bitter), was reified in geometric form as a hollow tetrahedron with the four principal taste qualities located at the four comers. Intermediate sensations were located on the edges of the tetrahedron. Sensations produced by three primaries were located on the surfaces.