This chapter presents classification & mode of action, indications & dermatological uses, formulations/presentation, dosages & suggested regimens, baseline investigations, considerations & monitoring, contraindications, cautions, important drug interactions, adverse effects & their management, use in special situations, and essential patient information of Androgens. Androgens belong to class C-19 steroids produced primarily by the testes, adrenal cortex and ovaries. Anabolic steroids are sex hormones with some androgenic activity. Stanozolol is a synthetic derivative of testosterone and has more powerful androgenic effects, hence its use as a performance enhancing drug by bodybuilders. Androgens are contraindicated in pregnancy as they are may cause virilization of the female fetus. In males, use of synthetic androgens may be associated with reduced spermatogenesis as they inhibit FHS production. Androgens are contraindicated as it is not known whether they are excreted in human milk. The use of synthetic androgens is not recommended in pre-pubertal children.