In this chapter the authors have endeavored to be comprehensive in covering the nutritional, lifestyle, and environmental toxin causes of reproductive system disorders and natural ways to achieve or restore health. This does not mean we expect patients to be supplemented with all the important nutritional factors that are discussed in each condition. Rather, we expect the expert clinician to consider the totality of the patient. A nutritional deciency rarely manifests only as infertility, for example. Rather, there will almost always be other signs of deciency that will enable personalized interventions rather than “kitchen sink” generic interventions. The same is true of environmental toxin exposure. A good case history will help reveal the environmental toxin(s) to which an individual patient has been exposed. At times, however, the totality of the toxin exposure is the real problem, rather than any specic toxin. A patient eating only conventionally grown foods with chemical contaminants, or using health and beauty aids with high levels of phthalates and other chemicals or synthetic chemicals for cleaning in the home, will almost certainly sustain a high toxic load. Although some people are fortunate to have a physiology particularly adept at excreting toxins, the patients we see are those who typically are more susceptible to these toxic agents.