The astonishing reversal in public attitudes towards wetlands resulted in a number of pieces of legislation initially removing federal subsidies for wetland destruction and later encouraging and even compensating landowners for protecting and/or restoring wetlands. In terms of acreages affected, the Swampbuster and other provisions of the Food Security Act have probably been the most important though the North American Wetlands Conservation Act and the North American Waterfowl Management Plan have made significant contributions. Swampbuster provisions are punitive similar to those in 404 regulations of the Clean Water Act in that farmers lose all federal subsidies if they convert wetlands to crop production. In contrast, The Partners for Wildlife (USDI, Fish & Wildlife Service), the Conservation Reserve Program (USDA, Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service) and the Wetlands Reserve Program (USDA, Natural Resource Conservation Service) provide financial incentives to landowners to protect or restore previously converted wetlands.