The world of micro-algal research has changed markedly in recent years with an emphasis on the harmful effects of toxic blooms on fi sheries, aquaculture and freshwater resources. Recently added drivers for this research include the production of biofuels and of other valuable compounds from micro-algae. It continues to amaze that a one-celled organism can carry out all the functions of photosynthesis, respiration, osmoregulation, sexual reproduction as well as the production of biotoxins and other secondary metabolites. The ever-changing taxonomy of these microscopic powerhouses can be frustrating for newcomers, but where the type species is available and full life cycles are included, identifi cations are less problematic. To really appreciate the forms of the various micro-algae it is crucial to observe living cells. The swimming patterns, plasticity of form of some athecate species (i.e., naked cells, lacking cellulosic plates), and the variety of colours, all assist in the correct recognition of a species. To help with identifi cations there are numerous culture collections worldwide, for example, the Asia Oceania Algae Collection network gives access to public collection domains in the Pacifi c region (https://mcc.nies.go.jp/ AOACC/Home.html).