More than a a decade ago, Object Management Group (OMG) proposed the Model Driven Architecture (MDA™) [1] to deal with the separation of platform dependent and independent aspects in information systems and the transformation rules between them. Since then, MDA has become a well established discipline both in practice and research in information systems and software engineering. However, since MDA is a proprietary trade mark specifying the process and artifacts to be used, people cannot easily modify and adapt to their needs while still using the brand name. A similar situation is, for example, the use of RESTful services and Web APIs where the first imposes strict rules on creating HTTP-based services while the later is just general enough to cover any kind of services acces-

sible via HTTP. As a consequence, today we have multiple acronyms in use for model-driven paradigm:

This paper will present an MDE method specifi cally designed to seamlessly adopt the principles of model-driven paradigm within the day-today software development process using the de-facto standard in software modelling: UML. However obvious it may sound that UML should be used with MDE, the literature mainly offers domainspecifi c model-driven examples or partial solutions to specifi c issues. Actually, one cannot easily fi nd a step-bystep guide in MDA/MDE with UML. And this is the main rationale of this paper. We will start with a short literature review, then the MDE with UML method will be presented along with a list of useful MDE shortcuts, and fi nally an example will validate the proposed method.