A microstereolithography (usually abbreviated as µSL, MSL, or MSTL) technology is referred to as a process of microvat photopolymerization to produce complex three-dimensional (3D) microstructures with the resolution of a few microns (possibly down to submicron depending on the diffraction limit) and minimum feature size of a few tens of microns depending on the curing characteristics of the material used. The rst demonstration was presented by two groups1,2 almost simultaneously. More than 20 years have passed since development of the rst microstereolithography technique, a technology that has grown steadily. It is attractive and promising because of its manufacturing capabilities, including complex 3D, high-aspect-ratio fabrications, as well as multi-material and multi-scale fabrications. In addition to development of microstereolithography systems themselves, many commercial materials and laboratory-based synthesized or blended materials are being utilized by this technology, allowing researchers to explore a broad range of applications. In particular, specic applications involving highly intricate inner architectures, such as tissue engineering with biodegradable/biocompatible materials and periodic microstructures with ceramic-loaded materials, have been engineered.