Features of synthesis, structure, properties, and use of polyacetylenes are considered in this monography. �he catalytic polymerization of acetylene using different catalysts are shown. The plasmachemical synthesis of carbines is considered. The results of studying the structure of polyacetylenes by electron spectroscopy are presented. The results of the research of the surface morphology of polyacetylene are presented. Agency of receiving methods of polyacetylene on its properties is shown. It should be noted that the first chapter of present monography (synthesis, structure, physicochemical properties, and application of polyacetylene) prepared for publication by Professor Rakhimov A. I. and Associate Professor Titova E. S. (Volgograd State Technical University). The remaining chapters prepared for publication by Professor Ponomarev O.A. (Bashkirskii State University), Professor Babkin V.A. (Volgograd State Architect-build University, Sebrykov Departament), Associate Professor Titova E. S. and Professor Zaikov G. E. (Moscow, Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences).