Observation of indigenous medicinal practices of various communities throughout the world has always proved to be an excellent route to the discovery of many important modern drugs (Gilani and Rahman 2005, Gohil et al. 2010). The importance of traditional medicinal practices has recently gained attention of the scientifi c community. A number of factors have contributed to this phenomenon. First, all ancient and quite a number of emerging modern diseases cannot be cured with allopathic medicine. Second, many modern (allopathic) medicines have developed drug-resistant vectors and microbes. Third, a number of allopathic medicines have adverse side-effects. Even common analgesic drugs like aspirin and paracetamol can develop gastric ulceration or hepatotoxicity from prolonged usage or over-dosage. Fourth, allopathic medicine is out of reach of many rural people because of high costs and lack of accessibility to modern doctors and clinics. Fifth, and fi nally, people still believe in traditional medicine from either habit or from fi nding such medicines benefi cial (Jahan et al. 2012).