The Realities of Neurotechnological Use-and Neuroethical Issues- in National Security and Defense ............................................................ 259 Premises, Conditions, and Necessities ...................................................................260 Fundamental Questions and Directions ................................................................. 261 The Task(s) of Addressing Neuroethics in National Security and Defense ........... 263 A Methodological Approach ..................................................................................265 A Paradigm for Training and Assessing Neuroethical Reasoning .........................266 The Mastery Rubric for Ethical Reasoning (MR-ER) ........................................... 267 Parsimony, Optimization, and Preparedness .......................................................... 272 Conclusions: Integration and Implementation ....................................................... 273 Acknowledgments .................................................................................................. 274 References .............................................................................................................. 275

individuals, groups, and communities, science and technology (S/T) can most certainly be seen in this light. In the ideal, S/T would be employed only in benevolent ways; yet, denitions of the “good” may vary, and what is deemed to be good for some may in fact be burdensome if not harmful to others. New knowledge and technical capability confer considerable power, and as history illustrates, new developments in S/T continue to possess particular appeal in agendas of national security and defense.