Abstract ................................................................................................... 13 2.1 Introduction .................................................................................... 14 2.2 Experimental Part ........................................................................... 15 2.3 Results and Discussion .................................................................. 17 2.4 Conclusions .................................................................................... 25 Keywords ................................................................................................ 26 References ............................................................................................... 26


The vinylcyclopropanes (VCP) with various polar and non-polar, cyclic and non-cyclic, vicinal and geminate substituents in cyclopropane ring containing methyl group and chlorine atoms in double bond and in threemembered cycle have been synthesized and characterized. Their reactivity in the processes of radical polymerization has been established. The model

addition reaction of thiophenol to the synthesized VCP has been carried out and it has been shown that the addition reaction as well as polymerization proceeds on scheme of 1.5-addition, that is, opening of cyclopropane ring. It has been revealed the nature influence of functional substituent on polymerization ability and properties of the prepared polymers. It has been shown that the synthesized VCPs are of interest as the reactive monomers for preparation of polymers with specific properties and the adducts prepared on their basis possess biological activity.