The advances and breakthroughs in molecular design of membrane materials and membrane fabrication are of paramount importance to expand membrane technologies in modern separation processes. Because the rst polymeric hollow-ber membrane was patented as a separation device by Mahon in 1966 [1], research on hollow-ber membranes has received worldwide attention from both academia and industry, and hollow-ber membranes made from different polymeric materials have progressively penetrated into various separation processes and applications. Compared with conventional at-sheet membranes, the hollow-ber conguration offers several advantages due to its inherent characteristics and module design such as (1) a larger membrane area per unit volume of membrane modules, which results in a higher productivity; (2) good self-mechanical support to withstand backwashing for liquid separation; and (3) ease of handling during module fabrication and process operation [2-5]. Nowadays, hollow-ber membranes are widely employed as the alternative to traditional separation techniques in a broad spectrum of applications related to energy, water production, environmental, and health sciences.