Vibrations ................................................................................... 348 20.12 Bubbling-Swirling Apparatus with Parabolic Swirler ............. 350 20.13 Bubbling-Swirling Apparatus with Conical Swirler ............... 352 20.14 Industrial Application of Vortical Devices ................................. 354 20.15 Conclusions ................................................................................ 355 Keywords .............................................................................................. 356 References ............................................................................................. 356


The Analysis of merits and demerits of various methods of clearing of gas from gaseous impurity, such as condensation, adsorptive, absorpritive a method, has allowed to draw a conclusion that at clearing great volumes of gas emissions by the most simple and reliable in realization is absorpritive a method. However, traditionally applied absorpritive the equipment packing, bubbling, and atomization types possesses low throughput on gas, and, hence, in greater{big} overall dimensions[1-3].