EPM can be viewed from different viewpoints. One perspective of EPM is that it is a software tool that helps plan and implement all projects in an organization. Another view is that it is a process whereby projects are selected, planned, controlled, and implemented from a central location that assures all projects report progress to a single element. A formal definition of EPM is as follows:

Enterprise Project Management is an enterprise view of the Project Management activities. It is a strategic decision by the organizations which aims at linking the organization’s mission, vision, goal, objectives and strategies in a hierarchical fashion to ensure that the organization allocates its resources to the right projects at the right time. (Ireland, 2004, p. 1)

In operational form, EPM represents the model showing how to incorporate the art and science of project management into a new way to do business. It focuses on consolidating project principles across the entire organization with the goal of optimizing organizational value for the chosen ventures. Companies such as American Express, ABB, Citibank, and IBM are acknowledged as pioneers of businesses pursuing this approach and each has now taken substantial steps toward applying EPM principles on an enterprise level (Morris, 2000). EPM is a methodology that combines standardized project management processes and supporting tools to better meet an organization’s project or program management goals (Landman, 2008).