Nonliving systems if isolated or placed in a uniform environment usually cease all motions very quickly, such that no macroscopically observable events occur, thereby maintaining permanent equilibrium. The breakdown in the communication among living systems, for instance, humans, is implicated in various conflicts that lead to unhealthy and unproductive associations. The nonliving system-to-living system communications highlighted earlier are basically on-way systems, which imply that the communication is unidirectional. The ability to enable communication between man-made systems and the fundamental units of living systems can enable a wide range of applications such as medical, environmental management/security, and energy/food production applications. Communication between living entities is very vital to helping them establish/improve relationships, spreading knowledge, and building cohesive organization in order to increase their probability of surviving. Typically, information exchange occurs at every level of the existence of the organism, across cells, through tissues/organs, and between organisms.