In an astonishingly short period of time, laparoscopic reconstructive urology has become a feasible option for the experienced laparoscopist. The evolution from purely extirpative laparoscopic procedures to the creation of complex urinary diversions completely intracorporeally has been rapid. As urologists’ experience with laparoscopic prostatectomy expanded, the additional control of the vesical pedicles with stapling devices brought laparoscopic radical cystectomy within reach. Subsequent construction of a urinary diversion remains a significant challenge. The past decade has witnessed profound strides in laparoscopic reconstructive urology since 1992 when Parra et al. performed the first laparoscopic cystectomy for recurrent pyocystis in a 27-year-old paraplegic woman who already had an ileocolonic reservoir with a continent stoma created five months earlier. That same year, the first laparoscopicassisted ileal conduit was reported by Kozminski and Partamian, where a cystectomy was not performed.