The current consensus in the scientific medical community is that asthma

is a chronic inflammatory condition of the bronchial mucosa that may lead to basement membrane thickening, collagen deposition, and airway remodel-

ing. It is a disease characterized by airflow obstruction and bronchial hyper-

responsiveness. In 2002, the National Institutes of Health National Heart,

Lung, and Blood Institute revised the asthma guidelines (1). The revised guide-

lines recommend daily use of a low-dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) or an

alternative inhaled anti-inflammatory medication including cromolyn or a

leukotriene receptor antagonist for the management of mild persistent asthma

in children <5 years. For adults and children 5 years the recommendations include the additional alternative use of nedocromil or sustained-release

theophylline treatment for mild persistent asthma.