To find A,. The 25 equidistant ordinates of the original curve istraight line) are the ordinates of points in the curve BIBLBBIP (fig. 2), the abscissae being taken from Table II. We found i t convenient to multiply the abscissae by 3 and represent in inches. Our ordinates were lnultiplied by 10 and represented in inches. The actual area was 2.36 square inches and one-fiftieth of this, or 0.0172, is the value of the integral in (4),

Wence, as J,(5.5201)=.3403,

We need not show the curves used in finding A3 and A,. The area of fig. 2 is the positive area MLNOM minus the area LQPNL, but one need not think about whether an area is positive or negative. I t is only necessary to start the plgrnimeter-tracer from the point numbered 0 in every case, and go from 0 to M and along the curve in the direction of the increasing nlumbers to 24, then along the axes of abscisss, ending at the point 0 from which we started.