We begin the transition project with our very first sprint. This chapter will provide an example of much of what will likely happen (good and bad) as you plan that first sprint. We’ll also talk about some of the practices that will begin here and continue throughout the rest of the transition project, and some even for as long as you continue to do agile development. We’ll start by setting up the sprint schedule, reviewing the transition backlog (as established in a previous chapter), and talking about the grooming process. Then, we’ll look at sprint planning and some of the tasks that the transition team will want to focus on during this first sprint. The chapters that follow will discuss, in detail, much of the planning and decisions that you’ll have to make during your first couple transition sprints. Finally, we’ll look at the sprint review and the sprint retrospective. During the sprint review, our focus will be on what was accomplished and whether or not we’ll be able to begin training development teams in the next sprint. We’ll also look at what was accomplished, modify the transition backlog appropriately, and then start thinking about sprint 2.