Positional cloning is much more likely to identify novel genetic effects than

candidate gene studies. Genetic linkage studies are very powerful for the study of single gene disorders, but have limited power in complex genetic

disorders when many genes are likely to be acting and there is no estab-

lished model for the inheritance of a given disease. Genetic linkage studies

in a complex disorder such as asthma typically give an imprecise signal for

the localization of the diseased gene that may extend over tens of megabases

of DNA. This is because only a proportion of families will actually be

linked to the locus, while others will appear randomly linked and nonlinked.

In addition, the proportion of individuals with susceptibility alleles who develop the disease will vary between families (i.e., the alleles will have vari-

able penetrance). For this reason, even highly ambitious genetic linkage

studies involving several hundreds of families have often failed to deliver

conclusive results.