Due to the hard work needed to prepare super-high-strength concrete, and especially the strict technical requirements needed for quality construction, there has been no extensive study on the strength and deformation behavior of super-high-strength concrete subjected to different static and dynamic loads. Structural engineers do not yet fully understand the specic requirements for designing with super-high-strength concretes used in engineering. What is more important is that in most countries, the standards have not kept pace with new developments and there have been no related standards for structural design and construction developed. Only in Norway and Germany have suitable standards been developed. Norway has a standard, NS3473E Design Standard of Concrete Structures published in 1992, which provides the design norm for super-high-strength concrete with a maximum of C105. In 1995, the German Association of Reinforced Concrete published the Instruction to Prepare High Strength Concretes with the highest grade of concrete strength C115. Due to the lack of standards, the application and acceptance of super-high-strength concrete are limited.