Angina is caused by ______ in the coronary arteries. For many years it has been treated by sublingual ______, which dilates mainly the ______ and ______.The ______ reduces cardiac filling pressure (preload), while the ______ reduces systolic pressure (afterload).These two changes reduce ______ and thus O2 demand. Nitrodilators may also dilate ______, enhancing blood flow to the ischaemic zone. ______, such as propranolol, are used prophylactically to reduce myocardial O2 demand by reducing ______ and ______. Similarly, ______, such as nifedipine, reduce cardiac work and O2 demand.A new, purely chronotropic drug, ______, slows the pacemaker and thus reduces myocardial O2 demand. Other drugs that may be prescribed include ______ to reduce plasma ______, a major risk factor for atheroma, and ______, to reduce platelet aggregation as a prophylaxis against ______.