Their Pore Volume Distribution .........................................................98 3.5.4 Processes during Drying of the Paste .................................................98

3.6 Formation of the Cured Positive Plates ..........................................................98 3.7 Positive Active Materials and Their Reaction Mechanisms ......................... 100

3.7.1 Mechanism of Charge-Discharge in Positive Electrodes ................ 100 Liquid and Solid Phase Reaction Mechanisms .................. 100 Nonstoichiometric Lead Dioxides ..................................... 101 Side Reaction in the Oxidation of Lead Sulfate ................ 102 Self-Discharge of Lead Dioxide Electrode ........................ 102

3.7.2 Crystal Variants of Lead Dioxide ..................................................... 103 Crystal Structures of Lead Dioxides and Their Related

Performance ....................................................................... 103 Requirements for Lead Dioxide Variant Formation and

Transformation ................................................................... 105 Lead Dioxide Variant and Its Discharge Performance ...... 105

3.8 Deterioration of the Performance of Lead Dioxide Active Mass ................. 107

The positive electrode is one of the key and necessary components in a lead-acid battery. The electrochemical reactions (charge and discharge) at the positive electrode are the conversion between PbO2 and PbSO4 by a two-electron transfer process. To facilitate this conversion and achieve high performance, certain technical requirements have to be met, as described in the later sections of this chapter. In general, battery performance in terms of both energy efficiency and cycle life is strongly dependent on the material composition/morphology, electrode design/structure, and manufacturing procedure. In this chapter, the composition/morphology of Pb/PbO2based materials, their corresponding electrode design/structure, and the fabrication

3.9 Improvement of Positive Electrode Performance ......................................... 109 3.9.1 Addition of Phosphoric Acid/Phosphate to the Electrolyte Solution ... 109 3.9.2 Addition of Antimony to the Positive Material ................................ 109 3.9.3 Usage of Adhesives ........................................................................... 109

3.10 Summary ...................................................................................................... 110 References .............................................................................................................. 110

process are described to give the reader an overall picture of the positive electrode in a lead-acid battery.